08 | Deadly nightfall

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The moonlight's shadow reflects quietly across the water. I stand off to the far side of the bone fire away from everyone's curious eyes.

My hair down towards my back wearing a Hawaiian shirt with light brown Khaki shorts.

"Hey, thank you so much for coming," said Danielle pulling me in for a hug, her bright yellow tank top with distressed booty shorts.

"Thanks for inviting us to the bone fire tonight" I replied separating my body from the tightly embraced hug.

The bone fire blazing with never-ending energy crackling flames wain in the dawn of nightfall.

Echoes of crickets repeating over and over again like a broken record that could never be fixed.

A chill breeze picks up and raises goosebumps across my arms and pores and I feel the most vulnerable to this kind of weather.

Sitting on a log close enough to the bone fire, its heat comforting but sweltering hot that could burn through your flesh.

Looking up across from me, Ezra's eyes staring at the flames. His eyes concentrated on each flame, holding a feeling of distance lost in his thoughts.

"Skylar, I'm so glad you accepted Danielle's invitation to the bonfire" announced Mikayla twisting off the tight bottle cap on her beer bottle.

"Oh, it's no big deal I've figured we should meet new people and branch out from our friend group" I replied rising from my unhealthy posture and sitting up straight.

I look over to the side of the log and see a cooler with huge chunks of ice paired with different kinds of sodas, also beer bottles poking out the sides.

"Hey Ezra what would you like to drink?" Mikayla asked hovering over the cooler with her phone's flashlight and looking carefully inside.

"Well could you check to see if they have Root Beer or Diet Coke" replied Ezra standing up for a quick stretch, letting out a satisfied sigh of relief after cracking every bone in his body.

"Eww, you drink root beer it tastes like a sweeter version of cotton candy" I countered sticking out my tongue in pure disgust at how anyone could consume such a beverage.

"Okay then I would love to hear your drink of choice, Skylar" answered Ezra a few steps away from his previous spot, only inches away from where I'm standing.

"My drink of choice would be Sprite which is way better than your root beer by the way" I taunted him in my tone of voice hoping for it to sway him just a little bit.

"So if I dared you to drink" Ezra paused. "Sprite from McDonald's would you do it?"

"Of course, I would with no hesitation, but the thought of you drinking root beer will make me wanna throw up," I said making fake gag sounds to show how badly I have sheer hatred for root beer.

Casting a glance to the side part of my face faces the bonfire passing some warmth my way. Desperately want to cast my hand over the fire itself, though it sounds best to not listen to my intrusive thoughts at this moment.

"Alright, if you two are done arguing over what drink is better I'll drop these drinks in the fire" announced Mikayla her hands a deep red color and shaking from the cold temperature of the soda cans.

"Sorry." I give Mikayla a sympathetic look grab the soda card from her pass Ezra his drink.

I decide to sit next to Ezra on the log and see Danielle with a group of people coming over to the bonfire. I guess the more the merrier in this case.

"Everyone, we're gonna play truth or dare so who's in?" Danielle asked surveying the group of people surrounding the bonfire.

Most of the people here have a slight nod or just raised their hands.

Looking around almost everyone agrees until everyone's eyes land on Ezra, who rolls his eyes and reluctantly agrees to the childish game.

"So who's gonna go first" announced Mikayla flashing a mischievous smile waiting for someone to start it off.

"I will." A girl around my height wearing a graphic t-shirt with basketball shorts.

"Alright Truth or dare Taylor" replied Danielle downing the last bit of beer left in the bottle, and wiping off the rest with the back of her hand.

"Truth" answered Taylor a little too quickly.

"Okay, is it true that you did someone a favor to come with us to Cedarview?" Questioned Danielle looking over the flames of the fire, her eyes glancing at Taylor.

"What? Well, I did do someone a favor but I'm not allowed to say who" replied Taylor turning her head away from Danielle's gaze.

Everyone's eyes widened in pure shock while some turn their faces in confusion as to why Danielle would ever ask such a question.

Now, this invitation to the bonfire is what she wanted all along an audience for people to see someone bend or crumble under pressure.

The tension in the air was thick with each passing second, my stomach in knots feeling uneasy and uncomfortable.

"Sorry guys I'm gonna turn in early for tonight," I said taking my half-empty can of Sprite, and taking a few sips to calm my stomach down.

"You know Skylar you better make sure your friends don't figure out why you had to leave this place" challenged Danielle her eyes watching my every move and I held her gaze unflinching.

Sometimes keeping secrets becomes even harder when someone decides to remind you of what happened in the past.

Sometimes keeping secrets becomes even harder when someone decides to remind you of what happened in the past

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Hello! Readers I just wanna say my first day of college is tomorrow, but I hope to update this story on time can't make any promises though.

Good luck to those starting high school and others heading into college or just completing a semester hope you all do well!

Question: Do you guys like the length of the chapter let me know yes or no.

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