16 | Trust

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The moonlight's shadow shines its light down below.

The boardwalk is full of all kinds of people, for instance, a group of teens two girls wearing bright colored bikinis pulling their towels close to their bodies.

The two guys playfully fight each other and the other tells a joke that causes the entire group, to erupt in the most echoing laughter.

Sounds of the nearby arcade with those celebrating a win, while others were being sore losers.

Frequent smells of cotton candy, pretzels, and other fried foods along the boardwalk.

Wearing a dark red tank top with jean shorts that hug my waist perfectly.

While Ezra is wearing his favorite red hoodie with his pair of basketball shorts.

I decide to turn into a small alleyway behind the ice cream store and Ezra quickly follows behind me.

"Why did you suddenly walk in here?" Ezra asks, his eyes scanning the area for anyone following them.

"Oh I just didn't want to be in that crowd anymore, it felt too suffocating" I added, nervously scratching the back of my neck.

The two of us walked in silence, but it wasn't too awkward or out of place. It is rather comforting to share the space.

But, it's too quiet in the alleyway a stray cat knocks over a few trash cans.

Ezra looks over to the left and Skylar isn't there anymore.

It's only a couple of seconds, or minutes at the most. Ezra hears a piercing scream in the distance, he runs as fast as he can with the sharp wind whipping his face.

"Let me go, please just let me go!" I cried, cornered at a dead end a tall figure pushes me against the wall squeezing my airways with great strength.

The tall figure squeezes a bit harder, tears at the brim of my eyes ready to spill over, and try kicking, thrashing as hard as I can to increase my chance of survival.

But it's getting hard to breathe, my vision is too hazy and my limbs stop fighting, defending myself from this person who can easily end my life.

With a heavy thud, Ezra pins the figure against the red brick wall, his intense stare could burn holes within anyone's soul.

I'm finally able to catch a breath, inhale, and exhale like it's a routine. My body goes through a series of chills and shakes uncontrollably.

"Who the hell are you?! don't you ever put your hands on her ever again!" Ezra spat, releasing the stalker from his clenched fists away from the clothing.

The tall figure falters to the ground and an item falls out, but the stalker is long gone off into the distance of the dark night.

"Skylar?" Ezra says, his presence right behind me unsure of what he should do next.

A shaky breath escapes my mouth and silent tears fall down my face. I quickly wipe away those tears, and try to remain unbroken, unemotional just for another second.

Vulnerable. It's something I never want to be in front of anyone, including him.

"I'm sorry" I paused. "I didn't want you to see me this way."

The moon's face stares back at mine burning its light into my very eyes.

My body continues to shake uncontrollably this feeling transfers to my hands and now it feels hard to breathe.

"Hey, you shouldn't apologize for being human," Ezra said, getting in front of me but creating enough distance between us.

Now, I can't hold in my emotions anymore and slowly collapse into Ezra's arms. Wet, salty tears stain his hoodie, but Ezra wraps his arms around me and brings me in closer to his chest.

Faint footsteps of adults, teenagers, and others pass on by the dark and hollow alleyway. That doesn't matter because they can't see me easily fall apart at the seams.

My tears stop. The only thing I hear is the rhythmic pattern of Ezra's heartbeat.

"Wait," I say

Ezra's footsteps cease at the urgency of my words.

I inch closer to the ground and find a photo of me with a girl making silly faces. My face is crossed out with a red colored marker.

My eyes grow wide enough that they could come out of their sockets.



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So... I decided to end this chapter on a cliffhanger what do you guys think about it?

Are there any guesses on who Skylar's stalker is?

I just wanna let you guys know that the next chapter will be posted on Sunday!

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