21 | Partners in crime

51 7 13

Using both hands to close in the front door softly, without making a sound is harder than it really is.

The heavy sighs and creaks of the patio steps didn't make the sneaky part worthy in my eyes.

Ezra's steps echo close behind mine as the faint sounds of the waves were a couple of feet behind us.

I toss Ezra the car keys and sit in the passenger seat, place on the seatbelt, and then turn off my phone completely.

Close my eyes, crack my knuckles, and breathe in and out again until the rapid pace of my heartbeat slows down to its normal rhythm.

The car engine roars to life, Ezra turns down the volume on the radio and turns to face me.

"Look, are you sure that you really wanna do something like this" Ezra asks.

Running his fingers through his hair, furrows his eyebrows in concentration, and tries to relax himself against the driver's seat.

"I'm sure about doing something like this, but if anything goes wrong I'll take the fall for it" I replied.

Ezra tears his gaze away from mine and makes way to the police station.

The neighborhood is dead silent, with dim lampposts, and I rest my head against the window watching the moon high in the sky with the most beautiful stars.

Tonight, I feel different...part of me wants to get revenge on what happened to Justin, and just maybe this could lead to whoever is my stalker.

After a few miles, the car comes to a slow stop and is put in park behind a group of trees. I look at the police station and drum my fingers against the leather seat.

"Are you okay with doing this sort of thing?"I question. Sitting up in the passenger seat, the seatbelt restricts my movements, and looking from the window for signs of anyone seeing us.

"Don't worry about me, just you be careful and don't get caught" Ezra replies.

The ends of his mouth quirk up in a small smile and shakes his head in disbelief. Placing the car keys in the pocket of his sweatpants and gets out of the driver's side of the car.

Taking off the hood off my head, wiping off the sweat from the palms of my hands, and walking up the concrete steps.

The front lobby is dim with a young woman sitting behind the desk with dark circles under her eyes, ever-present with her glasses.

She does a long stretch then her eyes meet mine jumping out of her seat in such a fright.

"God, sorry I didn't see you there do you need something?" the front desk employee said, her fingers clacking against the keyboard, then gives me another glance.

"Yes," I pause. "I would like to know if Detective Waller is here at this hour," I ask, resting a part of my body against the desk.

"Well he's been out of the station for a while, so I'm not sure when he'll be back" the front desk employee replied, taking out a sticky note and a pen scribbling down something I couldn't tell in the poor lighting.

"Okay, thanks could you tell me where the bathroom is?" I question, rubbing off the sweat off on my favorite pair of jeans.

It's down the hall, turn to your right, and it's the last door on the left the employee says, her focus back on her computer screen.

Walking down the hallway and turn right then find the last door with the title BATHROOM. Entering inside the stalls are so small and have no space, with the sink faucets having mold all over it.

"This is so disgusting" I mutter under my breath, washing my hands with warm water & soap then turn off the faucet.

The bathroom door closes with a weird creak sound, feeling a bit dirty after being in a bathroom like that.

Going down the hallway, but stop at a door with a light on. I open the door and see a brown file lying in the center of the table.


Name: Justin Wagner

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Cause of death: Victim's cause of death is homicide

Other Information: it is unknown at this time about what factor or person has caused the person's death.

My eyes furrow at the cause of death, no this can't be true this isn't a homicide, someone murdered Justin in cold blood.

Taking a few steps away from the file, arrange it back in its place. Clenching both hands in tight fists almost making it out of the room, until a hand grabs my arm into a really tight space.

"What the hell?!" I say, yanking my arm away from Ezra's touch.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to do that but I'm guessing you saw the file" Ezra replied, giving me a look of sympathy stepping a bit closer to me.

"No, I'm sorry Ezra I shouldn't have reacted that way" I pause. "But, I didn't agree with the cause of death."

Then heavy footsteps entering into the room, the jingle sound of handcuffs and Ezra looks out of the window behind the wooden door.

"Tell your son he's been doing a good job at scaring those newcomers that came to Cedarview, especially that girl" Detective Waller states, taking a long sip of his black coffee and takes a bite of a glaze donut.

"Skylar Reynolds, didn't she kill a girl at Bellview high school?" the cop responded, his voice steady and never wavering always sure of his answer given.

"Skylar Reynolds, didn't she kill a girl at Bellview high school?" the cop responded, his voice steady and never wavering always sure of his answer given

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author's note

Happy holidays or Christmas to those who celebrate the holiday!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Please don't forget to vote, comment, and share with those who may enjoy this story!

The next chapter will be posted on Sunday at 9:00 pm stay tuned to the next update!
xoxo, winnie

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