12 | Cold treat

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Faint echoes of laughter, cheering, and screams of joy, smells of all kinds of foods made on the boardwalk is the best place for me.

It's midday and my friends decide to drag me out of the house, probably for my good or for their agenda.

In front of me, Mikayla and Justin argue over which ice cream flavor is better.

The bickering between them could mistake it for they could've been siblings in another life.

Ezra softly nudges me with his elbow at my rib cage and I let out a loud snort sound.

"You two are ridiculous, I hope you know that, "I said pulling down my deep blue sunglasses and cast a glance at Mikayla and Justin.

"What's so funny Skylar?" asked Mikayla whipping her head in my direction and squints her eyes at me.

"Easy, it's this little argument or whatever this is" chimed in Ezra looking from his phone screen and with a small smile across his lips.

"Well, Skylar are you team Vanilla or Mint Chocolate?" said Justin pointing towards himself and mouths "Say vanilla."

While Mikayla's back is facing towards him, Justin decides to make silly faces and bunny ears behind her.

"I guess I'm on team Vanilla sorry Mikayla mint chocolate is so weird" I replied making a face of disgust with my tongue out.

"Well, Ezra let's hear your vote," said Justin leans forward, and rests his head on Mikayla's shoulder.

"Okay, I'll have to side with Mikayla only because mint chocolate is my favorite" replied Ezra slides on his favorite pair of shades over his eyes.

The chill air travels throughout the ice cream store, with huge fingerprints from children, sounds of a blender going off, and employees drop in new batches in metal pans.

Small shadows of sunlight dances on tiled floors and a huge family photo hovers over the employees-only sign.

Children let squeals of joy with their favorite ice cream, and couples swap their ice cream with each other and argue about who's better.

While teenagers still stick to their pride and joy or try something new for a change.

"Next!" An employee yells from behind the counter leans forward and patiently waits for the next customer.

"Hi! Can I have two scoops of vanilla with some sprinkles on top?" asked Justin grinning from ear to ear.

"Okay, and for you?" added the employee

"I'd like to have one scoop of mint chocolate" replied Mikayla moving down the line and right behind Justin.

"Me too, thanks" added Ezra accidentally bumping into Mikayla.

"Hi, I want one scoop of vanilla with a graham cracker also some sprinkles on top," I said leaning forward so that the employee could hear me, despite the loud volume of conversations throughout the ice cream shop.

We eat our ice cream under a huge umbrella with colorful colors decorate it all over.

A woman comes out from the ice cream shop, dabs her forehead then comes over to our table and pulls me into a warm hug.

"Skylar, it's so good to see you! I hope you're having a great summer so far!" said Mrs. Johnson excitedly and gives me a warm smile then pulls away from me.

"Oh, Mrs. Johnson, summer is different this time, but these are my friends" I answered gesturing to everyone sitting around the table, stuffing their faces with their beloved ice cream.

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