14 | 3 AM

56 10 13

Tossing and turning under the cool bedsheets, make it impossible for me to fall asleep.

I grab my phone from the nightstand and check the time it says 3AM.

The open window on the left side of the room with faint sounds of laughter from another house, waves crashing on the sand, and crickets.

I go near the window and sit at the edge of the bed.

A little creak sound, and the weight of my body weighs down on the mattress.

A small knock at my bedroom and slide on my slippers. Open the door just a little bit and see Ezra stifling a yawn.

"Ezra, what are you doing up late?" I whisper so that I don't wake up anyone else who may be sleeping.

He groans and his spine cracks in all the right places to release some tension. He looks straight at me, but I can't tell it's too dark to see anything.

"I couldn't fall asleep and I wanted to see if you were awake or not" Ezra paused. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah, come in" I responded softly closing the bedroom door, and placing my slippers under the bed.

Ezra lays on top of the bed and I lay beside him. We both embrace the silence, and stillness of the moment.

Until one of us breaks the deafening silence.

"Why were you acting weird yesterday?" Ezra asks sitting up and breathing a sigh, his body expands and then goes back down to normal.

I look away from him and stare out the window, twisting my heart locket over and over again.

Creating some distance between us and fiddling with my hands.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I responded my voice still at a whisper, but still loud enough so that he could hear.

"You're not answering my question, Skylar something's up with you" added Ezra his voice never wavering, and he stares at me for a minute or so.

"Fine, I got contacted by a random phone number at first I thought it was a joke or even a prank" I paused. "But it's more than that it's like someone's watching me."

"What? Why didn't you say anything sooner?" Ezra asked his volume a little louder than before, but not loud enough to wake up Mikayla or Justin.

"Because I thought I could handle this without ruining our last summer together" I answered my arms crossed over my shoulders, back faces away from him.

"Why? You'd rather do this alone and somehow protect the rest of us?" questioned Ezra the moonlight casting a shadow over his face.

He's right. I'd rather be the target rather than anyone else, becoming a target that didn't deserve it.

The wind blows the cool air all over the bedroom. A journal sits on the nightstand, and an old Polaroid of all of us last summer.

We were so innocent and full of life that night, but I can't hope for the same result this time.

My phone vibrates on the nightstand and lights up the engulfing darkness of the room.

A new photo but it's a bit blurry, but squinting my eyes is me letting Ezra into the room.

"What the hell?" I mutter under my breath and keep staring at the phone screen, never tearing my gaze away from it.

Ezra comes close enough behind me and takes a glance at the photo over my shoulder. The bright image reflects into his round glasses, his eyebrows furrow in concentration.

Letting the phone screen fade to black, and put it back down on the nightstand. I breathe out a heavy sigh, and close my eyes for a few moments.

"Mikayla and Justin can't know about this, at least not yet," I say slowly rocking from side to side on my feet.

Ezra nods in agreement and relaxes against the wall. He runs his fingers through his hair and manages a big yawn.

"Sky?" Ezra says his voice tired and a bit strained.

"Yes?" I reply

"Goodnight, I hope you get some sleep tonight" replied Ezra making his way to the door, his hand resting on the door handle.

"Night, Ezra" I reply softly closing the door.

All I'm left with is the echoes of the crickets, taking in deep breaths, and laying on top of the cold bedsheets.

I try to block out the noise in my head, but I can't it doesn't seem to work or matter anymore.


Hi! Guys, I'm so glad I was able to give y'all this update on time. Please share your thoughts on it as well.

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