09 | Questioning

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As a true fan of crime documentaries, I always made up a mental checklist of what could happen while being asked questions by a detective.

But there was no time to rehearse my actions, because this wasn't TV it was my new reality.

The room was fairly small crammed into a tight space, which made me feel like the walls were closing in on my lung's inner corners presses inside the rib cage.

One overhead light is completely out, and the other one going strong with little flickers now and then.

I sat down in the chair across from Detective Waller, his hair combed back with some gel product also badge glistens under the bright overhead light.

He leans back in his seat, arms crosses causing his leather jacket to move under the movements made.

"Before we start would you like something to drink? Coffee or water?" He asked patiently waiting for my answer.

"Coffee is fine, thank you" I replied maintaining firm eye contact and must try to remain cool, calm, and collected.

"Okay, I'll be back just stay here for a moment" called Detective Waller looks over his shoulder, before the door closes off any further communication.

Those couple of minutes in the room with silence were comforting, but made my never-ending anxiety get worse with every second.

My palms were too sweaty, clammy, and uncomfortable to feel. Rubs off the substance across my faded jeans in hopes of easing the uncertainty.

A few moments of silence come and go, and the door opens with a slight creak sound.

Detective Waller comes in with a styrofoam cup filled with black coffee, he lays down a notepad also a recorder flat down on the table.

"Here's your coffee in a few minutes we'll start"Detective Waller announces he breathes out a heavy sigh and takes a long sip from his coffee mug up to the brim.

I take a couple of sips of my coffee in the cup, the bitter taste stains the tip of my tongue. Its strong aroma fills the room, and the use of my backhand against the plump texture of my lips.

"I want to let you know you're free to leave this interview if you feel uncomfortable and you can ask for an attorney" answered Detective Waller.

I slowly nod my head absorb the information that's said and take in a deep breath.

You have nothing to worry about you didn't do anything wrong...

His finger hovers over the record button and hits the record. The silence feels so loud in the back of my eardrums with faint echoes of my heartbeat.

"So where were you during the beginning of the bonfire?" He asked his eyes narrow patient to wait for my answer.

"I was off to the far side of it... I just wanted to be alone with my thoughts" I replied calmly though his narrow gaze waits for a mistake or better yet a secret.

"You wanted to be away from your friends and everything else? that's interesting" Detective Waller comments and jots down a couple of things in his notes.

The faint ticking sound of the clock makes every chance or word I say would make me more guilty than before.

"Okay, let's move on to you're interaction with Danielle at the campfire." Detective Waller mentions writing down a few more things in his notes, then looks up at me.

"Our interaction was fine between girls my age, but then later on she said something that caught me off guard" I announced playing with the strings of my hoodie.

"What did she say?" Detective Waller interjects.

"She said that my friends better not find out the real reason I had to leave here" I replied.

Detective Walker's eyebrows quirk up in interest, and ponders what I've just said to him.

He stops the recorder and closes his notebook, down the last bit of coffee before it goes to waste.

"Alright, we'll stop here but if you or any of your friends have information don't hesitate to let me know" Detective Waller mentions leading down the long hallway of the police station.

"Thank you so much for your time and good night" I called.

Ezra down the last bits of water in his cup, while Justin has fallen asleep in his chair.

"Oh, you guys are still here?" I stretch and let out a yawn while rubbing my eyes to keep myself awake.

"What you thought we were gonna leave you here, no that wouldn't be fair to you" answered Ezra he tilts his head to the side and watches me for a second or two.

Mikayla looks over from her bright phone screen and beckons me to come over.

"Here." Mikayla hands me a cup of room-temperature water, and it's better than the bitter taste of coffee.

"Thanks," I replied.

I reach into my back pocket, and toss Ezra my car keys.

"Would you mind driving us back?" I asked while tiredness lace my voice.

"Sure, Justin if you don't get up soon we'll leave you" teased Ezra with a light flick against his forehead.

"Wait, no that's so mean and this place isn't my thing" added Justin ruffles his fluffy hair and follows with the rest of us.

The weather outside the police station is a cool breeze and twinkling moonlight with a faint number of stars.

I sit in the passenger seat, put in my seatbelt, and lean my face against the window.

While Mikayla and Justin are swept away by deep sleep in the backseat.

Each house we pass by is quiet, but some stores are open and consumers coming in and out constantly.

The car engine ceases and is put in park, Mikayla and Justin bid me goodnight and head off to bed.

Ezra hands me back my car keys and I turn towards the beachouse.

"Wait, Can we talk?" Ezra heads over to the front steps and sits down.

"Sure" I replied.

"Are you okay? You've been a little quiet and I just wanna know if you're alright" asked Ezra watching the waves crash over and over each other.

"I'm fine Ezra, it's just a lot going on right now" I answered fiddling with my fingers through the open pocket of my hoodie.

"Well, goodnight Skylar, and know you can always talk to me if something or someone bothering you." Ezra stands up for a quick stretch and cracks his knuckles.

"Good night, Ezra, I appreciate you checking in on me."


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