Chapter 2

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Part 1, Chapter 2

When everyone got back to the lab

Gaster: So, did anything special happen today?

Papyrus: I managed to make blue bones!!!!!

Gaster: That's amazing Papyrus, I'm so proud of you. What about you Sans?

Sans: Meh, I only managed to do some normal bones. How about you sis?

Night: Oh, umm... I summoned a shield?

Gaster: Wait really? Interesting... Go to bed everyone, it's getting late.

Entry number 3:

Night is getting better with magic. I'm being too nice with her. After all, I only created her to break the barrier, nothing else. Tho, Sans and Papyrus probably wouldn't forgive me if I did that. Heh, who cares? They're only kids, what are they gonna do?

*Night's POV*

I heard Gaster writing his entry. What does he mean by me being created only to break the barrier? Doesn't he care about me? I'll know what I will do. When everyone is asleep, I'll leave for Undyne's house. If I tell her what happened, maybe she'll let me stay.

An hour later

Gaster finally went to bed, time to escape. I remember the way out of her pretty well, it shouldn't be difficult to get out. I quickly ran out of my bedroom and I was running in the hallway until I reached the door. It was locked with a password on it! Of course it wouldn't be that easy. I then remembered something I read in a book. Apparently, if you concentrate hard enough, you can go through solid stuff like walls and doors. Let's try that. I put my hands on the door and I imagined myself as a ghost and 5 seconds later, I managed to pass through the door like a ghost. I did it! I escaped the lab! I ran towards Waterfall and I found myself in front of Undyne's house. I knock and she opens the door.

Undyne: Night? What are you doing here at this hour?

I then explained everything to Undyne.

Undyne: I'll bring you to the king, he'll know what to do.

*No one's POV*

Both of them then left for Asgore's castle. When they arrived, Undyne explained everything to the king of monsters.

Asgore: I see. I'm sorry Night but you will have to go back to the lab. The underground is already full of monsters, I don't see anywhere you could go. I'll bring you back to the lab.

And with that, Night was back to square 1. The next day, Gaster sent Papyrus with Undyne and Sans with Asgore, leaving Night with the scientist. He beated Night until she couldn't take it anymore. Magic started overflowing from her soul filling the room with an unsettling aura. The room was filled with a white light. When the light disappeared, Night was gone. She was nowhere to be found in the underground, meaning that they would have to wait for another human to fall down to finally go free...

A/N: PART 1 IS DONE! Sorry it's rushed. Hoped you liked it anyway. Ok love y'all bye!  

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