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season two - rose!

DAMON OPENED THE DOOR TO ATHENA'S ROOM, after knocking of course, only to find an unmade bed. Which wasn't a surprise, he had told the woman to make it last time he was in here, looks like she wouldn't be listening to him. As he looked around the empty room, he found no sign of her being there last night. The first sign being that the dress that she had worn last night wasn't on the floor along with whatever undergarments she had worn.

Something he had come to learn about Athena over the years was that she slept naked. No matter how cold it got, she would always be naked in the comfort of her bed. Stefan had learnt that the hard way the first night Athena had moved into the house, he had pulled the covers from the woman when he was having a hard time waking her up... yeah, didn't end well for him. As he had to go to school with a raging headache that wouldn't heal as Athena had hit him way too hard in the head for waking her up.

"Uhh, Stef, has Athena come down yet?" the oldest Salvatore asked as he rushed down the staircase of his home, a frown on his face as he came face to face with Stefan who was eating a bowl of cereal in his wife pleasure and boxers.

"No. Why?" Stefan immediately asked when he saw the look of worry on Damon's face before it had disappeared.

"Nope. Never mind. Forgot she was having a girls night with Caroline. See you later, bro." Damon breathed out a lie before he was grabbing his car keys and rushing out of the house, Stefan sat on the couch with a frown of confusion before shrugging and finishing up his cereal.

Athena hadn't been at Caroline's when Damon had gone over. And he didn't want to worry the blonde about it, so, he pushed down his worries, and talked about Tyler's new... turning? He didn't know what to call it, and he couldn't enough to find a name for it. Plus, it was Athena, she could handle herself. So, she'll appear sooner or later... right?


NEVER SATISFIED, to Elijah that's what Athena was.

He thought that the woman was never satisfied with anything he did for her.

But oh, how wrong he was.

Athena couldn't be even more grateful to everything her husband had done for her. Even if it was simply handing her handkerchief to wipe the tears falling down her face like a river.

The tears, which were undoubtedly always caused by him, would soon dry and fall once again.

Like always,

𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆¹,  𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘃𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗲 𝗱𝗶𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀Where stories live. Discover now