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"Sasaki hikaru, forensic psychologist here to investigate with Mr. Hiiragi about the murders that occurred earlier today?"
She hurriedly rustled in her bag for her wallet.

"Here's my official badge.". Today had been a rough day, with not being able to get any sleep and now being assigned to a pop up murder case.

"Oh of course!" The nurse looked to her screen and started  typing on her computer, hopefully the man was alive because he was a crucial factor in this case.

Hikaru can only image what must be going through the man's head, by seeing his wife and two kids get manslaughtered with his own two eyes.

Or maybe he could have been the murderer for all we know, their family was heavy in debt so you could suppose either story could make sense, expect for the injuries he had.


Looking up startled from being heavy in her thoughts she looked at the nurse expectantly. "Sorry, did you find him?".

The nurses face shifted but in a way that showed concern.

Why concern?

"Ma'm your nose is bleeding..".
Hikaru eyes had widened but went back to normal like she was already used to this kind of situation. Bringing her hand up to her nose to touch it, then retracting it from her nose seeing blood on her finger tips.

"Ah, Sorry excuse me for a minute." Heading towards the restroom she was conflicted as to why she was getting more bloody noses as of recent. Stress? Maybe, but she hasn't gotten a check up in the hospital for 3 years now and wasn't even planning to anytime soon. So maybe it's just her fault after all.

Being diagnosed with hemophilia as a child made it even more difficult for her, even as an adult but she felt bad for her past self for not being considered of getting housed as an orphan. Nobody wanted a child who was sick with an incurable condition.

Walking into the restroom she immediately went to the paper towel machine just to find it empty. Of course this would only happen to her. Feeling stressed she didn't want to take her repressed anger out on anything right now but hurriedly walked into a stall and aggressively grabbed as much toilet paper as she could. Putting the paper up to her nose and turning around noticing herself in the mirror seeing what she looked like in the mirror, she was walking around looking half alive with heavy eye bags, and to top it off, blood got everywhere on her sweater. This sweater had been one of her favorites, not because of the color but because of how long she'd held onto it for. She cherished it for how much suffering and happiness that had gone through her and this sweater of hers, it might be overkill but she held onto things emotionally because holding onto a person emotionally was something she no longer believed in.

Tuning out of her mind she heard a discussion happening just outside the restroom.
"I believe you know why I'm pulling you aside." Then hearing a rustle of paper but not exactly being able to pinpoint what it was.
"I know it's hard but it's our job and we take priority for people above us"

"Yes of course, I know, well then I'll be off"
The voice sounded so calm but underneath it had this feeling of tiredness, like it was tired of repeating that line over and over again.

Washing her hands Hikaru looked at the blood from her hands escaping down the drain with the water. The way the world worked was unfair, money and influence is the key to the world and there was nothing stoping that. Hikaru had many experiences that made her believe life itself was unfair but it always resulted in the lack of influence and money, nothing would change.

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