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Chishiya, Arisu, Usagi and Kuina all stood still at the sight of Hikaru's body being dragged in. She was bloody and her face was bruised along with her neck that formed a purple color around the entirety of her throat. She was so still, and unresponsive, pale as a statue, almost as if she were dead.

Whispers rolled around the entire main area as they watched Aguni and a militant carry her in. Niragi followed close behind gripping his bloody forearm. "She was the only survivor, Ten of spades, get Niragi taken care of first, she shot him after he mocked her grief over Junseo's death," he spoke to Ann and started to lower his voice "it's fine if she doesn't make it, she's a traitor.". Ann reluctantly nodded, she took in a deep breath before she motioned Niragi to follow her. They started leaving the main area with Aguni and the militant holding Hikaru's body close behind.

"Junseo's dead?" Kuina questioned, the sorrow in her voice was evident. "What in the world happened to her.." she looked at Chishiya "did you know about this?"

They all looked at Chishiya and he nodded. He heard Usagi and Kuina gasp, "you knew about this and didn't do anything about it? How did she get caught but not all of us?" Kuina started to raise her voice.

Arisu whispered into Usagis ear, he couldn't exactly hear what he was saying but he was probably informing her on how Hikaru fit into all of this. He couldn't form a response Kuina wanted, he still stood in shock in what he just witnessed. He knew pinning the two together would end in a bad result but he didn't think she would be injured that badly. He didn't care, is what he tried convincing himself of. She was going to betray him first.

"I set up Hikaru and Junseo, they were going to take the cards from us because Junseo wanted to escape this place already." He said, trying to pin the blame onto Hikaru.

Kuina looked at him in shock, Arisu spoke out. "So you just threw her to the wolves? She was apart of us, our team." His voice was soft but it held some sort of guilt.

Chishiya felt his heart pace, he too was feeling guilt but he didn't want to admit it. "Are you going to go help her?" Usagi said, "Kuina told us you were a doctor, prove to us that you're sorry and go help her." Usagi's voice was angry.

Kuina looked at Chishiya, she saw no emotion in his eyes as he glossed over the three looking at him like he was a monster. It wasn't his fault they were going to betray him first. He sighed "What difference would it make? She's already a traitor, there's nothing I can do to help her situation that she put herself in.".

Kuina scoffed and looked away from him "if you don't at least save her life then we are not going to help you with your plan, you killed Junseo and potentially Hikaru, earn back our trust. Even though she betrayed you first, you could've told us so we could've talked to them." She then walked off and Arisu and Usagi followed.

Chishiya was alone left in the same spot he witnessed Hikaru's body come through the crowd. The imagine replayed in his head, he should've felt a feeling of achievement knowing Junseo was gone and Hikaru was at the hands of Aguni where she wouldn't be able to take the cards from him. But all he felt was emptiness, anger at how even when Hikaru was of no threat physically, she still could  somehow could mess up this entire plan for him. He sighed and started to follow the steps of where they carried Hikaru's body to.

He walked down the hallway and noticed Aguni come out of a door frame, his hands were bloody, probably Hikaru's blood. He looked over at Chishiya and nodded to him and turned the other way. Once he walked into the kitchen where they were holding her body and Niragi's, he saw Niragi groaning in pain from the stitches Ann was giving him . Niragi looked over and smirked. "I guess you really hated her huh? Seeing her boast and gloat over taking the cards, I wish I could do more to her but she's a corpse as of now," he looked over at her body. "Seeing her in despair was so satisfying after she acted like she ran the place."

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