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Contemplation and Determination

"I can't promise anything Hikaru, I'll talk to you more about this tomorrow but my mind is set on the thought about taking the cards with me....."

That's all Chishiya needed to hear before he turned around and walked away from her door. He heard everything from their conversation and had a self confirmation, that he had to do something about Junseo so he wouldn't steal the cards away from him.

It was good that he came to Hikaru's room even if it was too late. He wanted to talk to her briefly and check if she was going to be playing games that night. But he didn't expect to be faced with their conversation. Now he had to make and execute a new plan to get rid of Junseo, he could cause trouble and Chishiya no longer found him useful.

He walked to the main hall where all the beach members were, he spotted Junseo coming into the main hall not long after he did. He stared at Junseo as Junseo did to him when they saw each other. He watched as Junseo looked away from his view and joined the militants.

His mind was not focusing on Hatters words, his mind was for the first time, in a conflict. What was he going to do? He knew what he was going to do already. But if he were to go through with this new branched plan of his then he's going to lose Hikaru. Losing her should be easy right? There's nothing she has that he needs anymore. Since the appearance of Arisu he knew that he could execute this plan all by himself. She was just an addition at the beginning, a helpful piece for when he needed her to be. Her influence around the beach was a factor that was ideal.

Since he did not need her anymore, it's his choice whether or not he wants to full drop her. Getting rid of Junseo could easily be done in secret, nobody would have to know it was Chishiya that got rid of him. But the time and situation of getting rid of Junseo would have to be completed fast and guaranteeing. His best option was to eliminate him during a game. He could request Hatter to put him and and Junseo in a game together, but in a game of spades he's surely to lose against him. If it came down to it, Junseo would not risk his life for Chishiyas and nor would he.

His thoughts were intruded by cheers, Kuina walked up behind him and he noticed he was spacing out while looking at Arisu and Usagi.

"What's wrong?"

"We were together in a game."

"Who those two? Hikaru already told me."

"Yeah, she's right, we are going to use them."

"They'll fit into our plan." He added.

He walked up to the car that was going to take him to the game location. He opened the door to get into the car and saw Junseo was sitting in the car. He was sitting on the other side and Chishiya got into the car as the guys in the front were talking to each other trying to listen to the radio on where they were going to play the game. This was going to be a long interesting night.

During the car ride he was thinking of how this night alone opened up many opportunities. He first found out about a potential betrayal and now he's going to be playing in the same game as the person who was plotting the betrayal. This night could easily be the night he got rid of Junseo. The only issue that held back his desire to fully go through with this plan was Hikaru. Oddly enough she impacted his mind more than he'd like to admit. What would happen between the two if Hikaru found out about his actions. Would she finally show him hatred, the one emotion he's never saw her express? But his actions were justified, with one betrayal comes another. They would have to find out which one hurts more and he was not willing to be one that would be 'hurt'. As if he could feel that way.

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