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The longer she sat in the room that she was secluded to, the more the anger and numbness intruded her mind. The heartbreaking emotions that made her stomach flutter or drop were completely gone in the hours she was kept away.

The happiness she once felt when making slight glances at Chishiya and seeing his reciprocation of giving her a smile, a genuine one that she had only seen him give to her and nobody else—the feeling was slowly fading into anger and resentment. It hasn't been a day but more-so hours of just sitting in the white sheets of the bed, alone and left with nothing but her thoughts. The memory of Junseo's death replayed in her head like the holy mantra, it plagued her mind and soul, the feeling of guilt arising to the point where she would just cry and let the guilt eat her up.

Her efforts of getting out of the handcuffs that bounded her to the bed were left for the dead, no sign of leaving. Her wrist was starting to bleed, the raw skin could only handle so much struggle and tugging from trying to release herself. Nobody has been able to check on her since the morning, the clock strook 7pm, she hasn't had any food and the water supply she once had, which was 2 bottles, was now gone. They wouldn't even let her go to the bathroom, no matter how much she screamed or yelled nobody would come in. She suspected that Aguni ordered them not to and told them he was the only one allowed in her jail cell of a room.

So she stayed sat, resting for a moment before she started tugging and pulling, trying to find a way out of the handcuffs that's kept placed in this bed. Chishiya, that name alone took so much from her, whether it be emotionally or physically, he did so much damage to her that after the moment it happened she felt as if it were her fault, had she not aligned herself with the blonde boy then Junseo would still be here and it would only be them two who mattered in this world. If only she followed her mind and listened to it before she acted with her heart and accepted the offer where her and Chishiya aligned themselves together.

Once she escaped the beach, she would need to find him. There was never a determining of leaving once you collected all the cards, and the Ten of hearts was still to be played and achieved. She knew what kind of person Chishiya was, close minded, selfish, only looking out for himself and not bothering to consider others because he was probably raised in that manner. He neglects anyone and everything that doesn't have him as the main source or presence in anything, that's why it was so easy for him to do this to her, to destroy her. But knowing from the information from Kuina it was for the best that he was guilty, she could nudge her way into confusing him and hurting him, belittling him to the point where he would need to change as a person. She wanted him to change.

She looked out the window and saw the sun setting, she had spent her entire day trying to get out but no avail. She felt wetness on her top lip, her nose was bleeding and she didn't have any tissues, how gross. She peeled off a pillow case sheet from one of the extra pillows she had in her bed and used it as a replacement of a tissue. She had no other option to, she laughed at how dumb this was, she needed to get out soon. Knowing her nose bleed wasn't going to end anytime soon she began to think, it might be gross and ridiculous but it was her last option, to use her blood to free her from the cuffs. She has tried to use water but she hardly had any left so it wasn't of any success for her but she knew that when her nose would bleed it would do so for a long time.

She sighed at how gross this was, never did she think she would resort to this kind of thing but it was do or die, and she needed to live to find Chishiya and hurt him emotionally, because physically hurting him wouldn't be sufficient to Hikaru, it would not do a single thing for her but knowing someone who's as emotionally detached as him, where she could destroy that mentality of his and make him rethink everything about himself would please her beyond ends.

Lulled Heart | s. ChishiyaWhere stories live. Discover now