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Hikaru woke up by the sunlight beaming in her face. She groaned as she turned over and looked at the clock on her nightstand showing 12pm, she had gone the entire morning sleeping. In that moment all she wanted to do was to rest her head back and sleep soundly, to forget all her problems and forget she was in this world. The issue with Junseo had yet to be discussed about again and she didn't know if he was avoiding her or if anything bad had happened to him. She hoped she was wrong about her second suspicion.

She finally sat up in her bed looking over where in the previous night Chishiya, was there sitting, she wondered how long he stayed in her room. He was sure to leave short after she announced her rest because of her reoccurrence of waking up in the middle of night, sweating and hyperventilating from a nightmare she couldn't quite remember except for the feeling and knowing of waking up alone. Like all the nights she had nightmares. She was missing Junseo more than she'd like to admit, he was always there sleeping on the couch in her room prepared to comfort her from the feeling of sinking in a black hole that was her bed after another night of the fake cruel realities she dreamt of.

A heavy push she felt in her chest knowing Chishiya nor Junseo stood by her side last night. But she couldn't let this thought keep control of her mind. She needed to focus on todays agenda, today was the day to confine in Arisu and Usagi about the plan, today she needed to talk with Junseo, today she needed to talk to Chishiya about when they would take the cards.

She sighed and pushed the sheets off of her and stood up, she immediately felt her head spin knowing she probably should've not have gotten up so fast but she needed to find someone in her circle of companions. She walked to her desk and picked up her jacket and put it on while taking a tissue packet and putting it in her pocket. She walked towards her door and heard hushed talking, not enough to wake her up but enough to hear from the other side of her door.

"She's sleeping, I don't care about the plan enough to wake her up." Junseo's voice sounded cold, colder than she had heard before.

"Chishiya and Arisu are waiting for her im sure she would feel guilty if she missed this meeting." Kuinas voice urgently responded.

Hikaru sighed and opened the door before either one of them could voice another word. She smiled at Kuina and Junseo. "I'm already awake and feeling guilty for sleeping so late. So let's go." She saw Junseo's eyes soften and looked at Kuina taking her arm locking their arms together and ushering them to start walking.

"So how much did I miss?" She questioned.

"Not much, we saw them looking at the trash of bodies and now they are sitting pretty waiting for you. The princess and her beauty sleep always comes first." Kuina joked.

She let out a small laugh. "Yes of course, glad to know I don't miss much I guess." She looked back at Junseo and saw his slight smile but his smile hid something more, guilt it seemed like. She turned back and saw they were approaching the doors that lead to the roof with three people standing in the middle of it. "I have awoken her, no thanks to Junseo."

Hikaru smiled and saw Arisu's face hold confusion. "Sorry for my late arrival." She stood next to Chishiya who looked at her with a blank face. "What did I miss?" She looked at Arisu. His eyes went to and from Chishiya and her looking for some kind of answers. "Ah I missed everything didnt I?" She held a solemn tone. "So Arisu, will you join us?" There was silence, the wind blowed in the stead of voices that paused.

"I'm in." They all looked up at Arisu. She smiled and held out her hand "well then Arisu, I guess it's all of us till the end." She smiled when Arisu's hand met hers, shaking it slightly.

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