Part 1- Richest man

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Bright Pov

Being partner of the richest man in thai is not something he ever plan or expected.
It maybe easier if the fiancee is not the posessive Mile. I was under tight security for 24 hours. Now my fiancee who was retire from the industries focus on his business and his underworld gang.  Some of his fans was so angry and disappointed. But that bull is not someone who will sway by public opinion. He casually announce his retirement. He proudly announce, now i can be with my fiancee without any excuse. The reason i'm into this industries is only for him. Now he already become mine, i have no reason to stay, i need to focus more on him. I blush with his bold statement during his press conference. The reporter and fans look so done. Their reaction was undescrible. Thank you for loving me, i wont be in the industries, but you will see me enough with my fiancee. The way he close his announcement make the room roar. They keep bombing us with the question. But the most memorable question is regarding me. How about bright, will he retired too the reporter ask. He will at the right time. Now he will active like usual. Please support him as a fans. I will love him as his fiancee. He said firmly. All his team can only shake their head knowing his posesive attitude. I will retire i ask myself. Its not in my plan or consideration . I never thought of retirement. I need to work for my mom and family. What wrong with p mile.

Flash back

What are you saying p, i ask him after we reach at the most expensive penthouse in thai. Saying what baby he ask and hug me. I push him a bit. Now he look at me with question look. My retirement i said. Oh, you dont need to working anymore.  if you want, you can enjoy being artist as hobby . As what p i ask him a bit cold.  He look at me and softly said. I prefer both of us leaving this industries, but since you are not ready, i will wait for you. Take your time. He said confidently. I close my eyes to control my temper. I never thought of retirement. I dont know how long i can be an artist, but retirement will be not in my plan. Maybe you have to wait for life. Even if i'm not releven to industry anymore, i have business that i run. There is no retirement in my dictionary i said firmly and leave him alone. We have a cold war for the first time. He cannot accept my decision and felt left out. He can be scary if he needed  and of course he also can be so unreasonable. Me the most spoil brat know what to do with this cold p mile. I start my hunger strike, i know i can do nothing to him except for hurting myself. Its only take me half day before all our family scolding p mild and plead me to eat. The most angry person is grandpa. He announce, no one can force me do anything that i dont like including p mile. Everyone keep presuring p mile.  During all the commotion p mile lift me from the hall and bring me to our room. You win, now eat he said. I still pouting and refuse to eat. I'm sorry, can you eat now he ask me softly. Promise me you wont force me to retire I demand .  He just sigh and said i wont. Then i eat happily. Everything goes to what i want beside i cant walk for two days because of stupid p mile.

End of flash back

Actually i felt weird, after his annoying and unreasonable attitude, he never talk about my retirement. Something that out of his character. I can happily enjoy working. Now i become more well known.  Beside having 2 big fandom, now i have additional fandom that support me and p mile. A long with that we also receive hate and anger from our own fan before. Its sad but we have our own life. We are not own or responsible to their own thought.

Mile pov

After my retirement i focus on my business. I felt a lot better after strugeling for 3 year. Most of the time i was at Gem instead of our main office at our tower if i miss my busy baby. I am waiting for my baby who have practice here. They still have a few tour that require him and team to travel. I try to manage my schedule so that i can accompany him. Since i am now focus on business, the partners become more demanding. Every one request to see me in person. Its annoying because of the back to back meeting. Last night, i'm really late. When i reach home, my tired baby already sleeping. Now i'm here because he is crying missing me this morning. He felt guilty because fall asleep. He always waiting for me even its late. I just smile looking at his red nose. Since he so sad, half of the day, i only do online conference with him laying with his head on my lap.
After that both of us headed to Gem for his practice.

Now i'm with p toey his faithful manager.
So boss did you inform him she ask.  I just sigh and shake my head. P toey chuckle and wish me luck. Good luck boss she said. Please make sure he always with the team. No after party or outing. Anything must be report directly to me i said firmly to p toey. Noted boss she said. So when is your flight p toey ask. Another 2 days, can u clear his schedule a day before i ask p toey. He look at his planner. He will be free after his live with the samsung, is it ok boss. Its already decided since 3 month. We dont have leasury to find new date. P toey look at me hoping that i will agreed.  I know for any changes its gonna be hard for her or even my baby. I just nod. P toey happily said thank you and leave my office.
Its already 8 pm. I close my laptop and walk to my baby studio practice.
All my staff who stay back at office wai to me. I just smile and ask them for early rest. I smile looking at my baby , win ,dew and nani try hard for their performance.  I sit on the chair and wait for him. After half an hour waiting for him. He come running to me. P , i'm so tired, i cant walk anymore he said and hug me tighly. Stop being a baby win come and hit his head then wai to me with dew and nani. We are having dinner, do you want to join us he ask. I look at my baby and he nod his head. We are going to meet at the restaurant reserved by win. Normally i dont prefer outing with his team, they will feel ackward eating with the boss. And most importantly my baby of mine will change hundred percent when we are with his team. U can never see the clingy cry baby boy. Now i know what win said. We are the selected one, he can only show his tantrum with us. He chat with his team happily, sometime he put some food on my plate. Other than that he treat me like his friends.
Boss are you going to korea dew ask.  I felt like choked and look at my baby who look at me with hopeful eyes. Now all eyes on me. I will if i have a time. I said generally.
Then they start talking and eating back. My baby look at me with sad eyes. I hold his hand, he must feel it that i cant accompany him this time. After  my confession i make sure to accompany him for every of his oversea trip.
Then he turn to his friend and try to act as usual. Win who are in front of me notice my baby mood change. He look at me with question look. I smile and focus on my food while keep holding my baby hand. I dont want to inform him this way, but since he already know, i will pray that he will be ok. This is our first time seperated after we start living together. We excuse ourself before i paid for their dinner. On the way to our home,  my baby now sobbing sofly on my lap. I pat and kiss his head non stop. Why p he ask between his sobs. Sorry baby, p have to go to USA. We have urgent issue that i need to handle myself. I slowly explain to him.  Knowing that i will leave him first make him cry harder. I can only kiss and caress his back. I really dont want to leave him alone. I will ask mom to accompany him before his trip a day after my flight.

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