Part 4 - Strong

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Big Bro pov

Thank you for being strong, he said touching his brother head. The only person he love before. The only one who can hold his heart before that clingy sweet boy happen. He is grateful but still keep in secret to avoid any danger or interuption.
Get well soon, your baby are broken now he said and try to leave him. But he stop walking when mile hold his hand. He look at mile with a warm eyes, thank you p mile said with a tears. Can i see him now he ask me. No we have to ensure everything is ok.
Complete your treatment. He will be save, i promise you. I said to mile.

I have been monitoring my new brother everyday. He live like a zombie. He eat, sleep, working but he never have his beutiful smile. He cant even participate in public event. Thanks to our power, he can do what he want. Now he focus on singing and always with jeff. But what we really lost is his smile. His online partner was being there for him. Helping him go through his daily life. I will paid for his loyalty. He is as silent as stone now. He is the only one i avoid now, because i cant look at his pleading eyes. I'm glad this brat mile, survive and fight for his love one.
Its been another three weeks, mile look ok, the doctor give good feed back. He will be on his feet soon. He have serious injuries of course it take times to heal. I am willing to wait. I hope all his family felt the same. It look like, the world also mourning with bright. His fans till now still supporting him and wait for him. They make sure he always on chart and keep voting for him.

Jeff Pov

We start practising since early morning.
He now  sleeping at my sofa. I look at him pitifuly. Most of the family already accept that mile was no longer here. But no one said anything because of this boy here. He live like mile is still on his business trip. No one have heart to say anything. Grandpa and grandma now suddenly look old. They only depend on bright to live now. Thanks to him they manage to survive. But down there they are still hurting. We avoid talking about mile with bright. We just stay behind and push him slowly to make him keep walking foward. I think he is at his last strenght. Its been 4 month. The clingy guy i know will cry a river if his p not calling him for a day. He will make our life upside down. But looking at him enduring all of this make him look sad. I cant explain what i feel but he always manage to make me cry.
Bible cant even look at him. He felt guilty because cant find mile till now. We still try our best. What should i do. That stupid mile. He wont talk much but he the one who bring us together. Apo also still on denial but he is much more better than bright. I really lost and dont know what to do.

I still looking at bright, waiting for him to wake up and start practicing non stop. That how he days go on. I look at my phone which is vibrate.
Hello big bro i ask politely. The kitten with you, bring him to our hospital. He said and end the call. I look at bright and a bit shaking. Big bro promise him to bring mile even he is now lifeless body. Omg what should i do. I slowly walk to him and wake him up. What happen p he ask when he look i behave strangely. Big bro want to see you. He is shock but then he compose himself. Where to p, lets go. When we get out of the door a car already waiting for me. Along the journey no one talk and try to keep calm.

We silently follow a man. I hold bright hand, i can feel he is afraid. But he try to be strong. We both are terified. We walk till the last room. We can see that big bro already waiting for us. I 'm sorry, it take me so long to fulfill my promise he said touching bright head. Bright hold my hand tighter. Lets go big bro said and walk into a well protected room.
Bright keep looking down, finding the carouge to what ever he will face today.
Baby, i heard a weak voice. I turn from bright and look up. God must be kidding me. Baby,  mile call again. Bright are shaking and finally look up and see his life.
But he is not showing any reaction. I look at mile who now try to get down from wheelchair. He was help by a beautiful doctor. I look at bright who still silent. Then he turn and try to walk away from the ward. Baby mile call louder make bright stop walking. Its me baby, please forgive me mile said . Boss i scream when mile fall slip from the doctors hold. And before i reach to help him, I can see someone running to him and help him up. I try to help but mile wink at me. I just shake my head and signal the doctor to leave them alone
Big bro also shake his head because he just lost his bet with mile. He bet bright will cry happily and hug mile because he miss him so much. I never thought he know him this much said big bro to jeff and walk together leaving the couple alone. I look at him and ask what happen. Mile already recover but he pretend because he know bright, first thing his baby will do is leave him as much as he been left. So he need a plan. Jeff just nod and wonder. What will they do with this couple.

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