Part 8 - Nervous

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Bright pov

I felt really nervous for two reason. For p mile safety and my fans. Will they come. Will they forgive me, that question keep repeating in my mind. Now i am waiting in the waiting room. P mile look so busy but always in my sight.  P where are you going i ask him when he walk to the door. He come to me and slowly pat my head. Dont worry, wait here he said. No i stubbornly reply. I'm going to organizer, i have something to discuss, can you wait for me baby he ask me patiently. No , i will go with you i demand. I dont care how it look. I just dont want last 6 month accident happen again. I just cant. I become teary. Hey baby p mile call me. He hug me tightly. Dont worry  everything will be alright he said again. Lastly he gives in and ask p apo to deal with the organizer and sit with me faithfully. I only felt secured when we are at home. This is our first time going to public after the accident. I am extremely nervous. I dont know how i become this scardy person.

Finally, after i hug p mile for the last time,  i walk toward the ball room with him by my side. I expecting only my fc will be here. But when arrived at the ball room a lot of fans who sit outside because they can't fit in the ball room. I felt so heart warming. I never expected this. I left them near half year, how come they still loyal to me. Even before start the event i stop at infront of the outside fans and bow to them. I can here the scream and crying. Then i felt p mile also bowing beside me. After that we went to main stage. 

Sawadika every one, p toey start the event, thank you for coming to this adhoc fanmeeting today. Its a simple event which request by bright to make an apology for his sudden appearance. Me from management side also want to appologized for this unfortunate issue. We are sorry and promise to do better in the future. Now i'll leave the stage and please enjoy and cooperate with the organizer. Thank you.

The stage now so deem, they can 2 person sitting on the chair with the guitar.

I thought about what I would say
But I'm two years too late I can't imagine how you're doing these days
Sure it wasn't perfect back
then I'll be first to admit
But it was better than being strangers again
I'm drunk too late talkin' to the moon Writing songs I can't sing to you 'Cause Ever since that day
The things I didn't say
They haunt me
Oh And I know that I'm to blame
So go ahead and blame it on me
I know that I'm too late but I'll say it anyway
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
Though it's far too late
And it was me it wasn't you It's cliche but it's true
I wasn't thinkin' how I usually do
And is your momma doing well? Or does she hate me still?
Bet it was hard to watch me put you through hell
I'm drunk too late talkin' to the moon Writing songs I can't sing to you 'Cause Ever since that day
The things I didn't say
They haunt me
Oh I know that I'm to blame
So go ahead and blame it on me
Maybe it's too late but I'll say it anyway
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
Though it's far too late
And if you ever hear this
I hope you know that I'm not proud of who I've been
And if I see you again I hope you know that I wish you nothing but the best
And my biggest regret Ever since that day The things I didn't say
They haunt me
Oh I know that I'm to blame
So go ahead and blame it on me
And maybe it's too late but I'll say it
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
Oh, I'm sorry

i'm sorry
Joshua Bassett

I cry hard after i finish the song. P jeff pat my back and give me warm hug. Now the fans also crying a river. I cant manage to say a word. I must look like stupid mess now. Then i see how win walk on to the stage and give me a hug and P jeff leave the stage.

I'm sorry i have to start this event. Lets him cry first or all of you want to cry first too win ask the fans. He try to lift up the mood.
I suppose to sleep today, but this bro of mine wont let it happen. I need to suffer with him he said cheerfully. All the fans start laughing in tears. Then what can i do beside glare at him. He is glaring, so he is back now he said teasing and make the hall full if laugh. Win pass the mic to me and look at me lovingly. I hug hin tightly. Thank you win i said. He nod and leave the stage and sit with the others.

I really cant say anything, i bow to the fans again. With a teary eyes i said,  i'm sorry, thank you for coming today, the room is so queit, the fans really focus and also tearing. Its like we share the same emotion and really hurt. That make me felt more sad.
I dont deserve your love, i am really sorry i said again. I'm not here to ask for forgiveness but to end the longing and the  waiting . I will understand if some of you cannot forgive or accept me back. This six month i was in the same situation that i can only depend on hope. I nearly lost love of my life and i still cant believed that he is here now with me. I still can't stand  here on stage alone, thats why all my family are here supporting me i said and look at all who are with me during the worst time in my life. Nothing i can say to them to show my appreciation. I can say that i will die without all of you.
First, thank you for not leaving me, for your pray and support all this time, i really appreciate it, i dont have the courage to work and in dark sadness, i just cant move from them.
Win my dear bro, i know i cant do this without you. What you did this pass six month i will never forget.
P bible, p jeff, p apo and p pete thank you for supporting me.
Finally to p mile, thank you being safe and comeback to me. I love you so much i said with crack voice and cry.

The fans now look at each other and start whispering. I really cant said anything now. My mouth just dried up. I bow once again. Then i can felt some one again bowing beside me. I stand and look at him. P mile take the mic and start talking.
Its was me, i am sorry he said. I was in an accident, now at the screen i can see how he was laying on the hopital bed silently.
I was in unconcious state for 4 month. We cant announce the news because we dont want every one is sad. We dont know wether i will survive or not. Its also to prevent any disturbance and security purpose. I keep looking at all his picture,  this is new to me too. I put my hand at my mouth. I try to suppress my cry. When seing this i become more terrified, i really close losing him. P mile can felt it and hug me tight.
The fans now crying again with their idol.
Its must been hard for him, just like all of you this is his first time looking at this he said while hugging him. I was secretly have my treatment without his knowledge.
Its mean i dissapear from his life this last 4 months. Just like all of you, he is not in his normal state, he is confuse, scare and lost. I understand if you want to leave him but please dont blame him so much. He is at his lowest state too. If you need someone to blame, please blame me he plead sincerely.

I love you bright
We love you bright
Thank you for being strong
Thank you for coming back
We always beside you
Will never forget you bright
Always be your bright

The fans start screaming and give their support to me. I'm so thankful and once again bow to them. Then p mile bring me to the back stage and let win take over the stage. He make me look ready for my stage after this. I just can hug him finding the courage to become strong again.
I look at him, thank you for coming back. I will be strong like you i said. I know with his condition, he only can survive with his strong will. I will never let his effort fruitless. Thank you i said and kiss him. He look suprise because i never being intimate with him at public area. All our team scream happily.
Now i am ready for my stage, i cant let metawim keep talking and teasing me on stage. In funny manner he tell the story how i become baby crying all the time. The fans enjoy his story and just like him they just comforting each other. I really appreciate this.
I get on stage and win stop his standing comedian show and look at me with teary eyes. I walk to him and hug him tight. Thank you win i said.. thank you too. Welcome back he said with crack voice. Shall we i ask him and look suprise. I touch my guitar.. we will still and always together i said and he understand immediately. Now both of us sit on chair and sing our signiture song. Still togther. This is our song, i said to the fans. Can we sing together i ask them the scream happily and when i start playing guitar all become silent. Then i stop playing. I look at them and in sulky manner i said. All of you will sing with me right.. then i received a hit on my back head from win and the fans start laughing.  What, i am sad too i complaint to win. The fans keep laughing on our bickering. Lets sing together, he directly said he want us to console him win said to the fans. Now all all the Kp team also on stage. All of us singing together with the fans. We have small talk and end the show with everlasting love dedicated to all.
Without our knowledge the fanmeet was trending worldwide and the world seem cheeeful again. I never thought a very ordinary person like me can bring tears and joy to a lot of people.  I was so happy and thankful for p mile for arrangement.

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