Part 3- Dutifully

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Win pov

Its been 2 weeks already, we never heard of p mile news..i dutifully come to this penth house daily. I come everyday even i felt really tired. All people in thailand start talking about how mile and bright suddenly dissapear from industries. A lot of rumours was spread. But our close circle did not response to the rumours. That brat never leave his home. He said he will wait for p mile. He promise him that.
Everyone try to help him. He look so lost and thin. He barely eat. But the only thing that make me worry so much is this brat did not cry after his korea burst. He calmly listen to the whole story. Oh i see, then i need to go home he said. I need to wait for him there.  He said and with so much dificulty to stand, i grab and lift him and bring him home. His and p mile house. I am glad mom was here during my working time. It back to three of us, the different is we lost our sugar ball. He look death even he is a live. He is living without his soul. He is like a programed robot with no emotion.
He now laying on his mom lap. Holding his phone tight waiting for someone call. He nearly hurt himself, blaming himself when he forgot to charge his phone.  He is in his own world. Keep waiting for p mile.

Suddenly i heard someone knock his door. He hurrily run to the door. He act like a kid when someone knock the door. P he scream. I shock and run to him. I though miracle finally come to us. But he now in someone who look bold arms. He pat bright back softly. Through his appearance i can see who he is.  He look at me fiercely. I smile and wai to him. But he not respon to both. P i try to contact you, but i dont have your number, i forgot to ask from p mile. But its ok when he comeback, i will ask for your number he said. That rough stranger look at bright and i can felt love from his gaze. So you are looking for me He ask bright. Yes p bro, i'm glad you got my message. So this is why he keep posting his necklace non stop. Why he ask coldly. P bro have you seen p mile.. he have been gone for too long. Can u ask him to come home. I miss him. I know he will listen to you. He plead the stranger. I invite the stranger to sir because bright cant even let him in and start ask for help. Bright can you help mom prepare the drink, i ask him. He look reluctant but he finally went to his mom.
Sawadika p, i'm metawin. I think you already know the story. May i know, why you are here., win ask
He is looking for me. He said coldly. Take care of him he said and walk to the door. Please, i beg him. He will sad if you just leave. Please let him say good bye. I plead the stranger. He just look at me and looking at bright. Bright come here, i call him. Your p are leaving. He quickly run to us. P are you leaving, can you promise me to find him he plead sadly. The stranger hold his hand. Dont worry, live or death i will bring him to you. He said and leave us. Bright fell on the floor.  I sit beside him. You can cry bright i said. I wont ever angry when you cry again. Please cry i said. He just look at me and said. P mile ask me not to cry before he left, So how can i cry. I dont cry, i eat like he ask me to but why he is not coming back yet win. He ask me. I cant answer him. I just pull him into my hugs. Please bright, please be strong i cant hold my self more and cry again. I look at mom who now silently cry. I felt so useless and lost. I really dont know what to do.

Someone pov

How is he, he ask the doctor. Still in coma sir, what are you doctors doing. We paid you a lot but you cant safe him. He scream to the doctor loudly.
I'm sorry sir,.the doctor shaking with fear. Like i said before he have only ten percent survivor chance. He is strong enough to hold untill now. He scarely explain. He is holding to something, one of the doctor said. He is in pain but he fight for something or maybe someone. Maybe we can use it if we know what he loved the most or hate the most. Young doctor said bravely even hold by her senior doctor. We need to do something she said when she was pull. I'm sorry when he look at his eyes. No you are right. This is the last chance,You have two weeks, if not i will end his life myself and bring his body home. The young doctor look shock. My people will bring what he dear the most and leave all the doctors.

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