Part 6 - Patient

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Mile pov

P, you are a patient, my baby strugle to safe himself. I just chuckle and bring him to our bed. Its been a week i discharge from hospital. I am as good as new, but my baby keep treating me like a patient. He did not allow me to do anything. He even dont sit on my lap or sleep on me, because he think i still weak. I need to prove him wrong and do him what i like the most.
He still strugle but i hold both his hand above his head. I start kissing him  untill he give in. I release his hand and and start caressing his body. I leave a big bite on his long neck. He now moaning surender to pleasure.

He is sleeping like a baby after our  intimate moment.  I really miss my cry baby, not this grandpa baby, who always worried. I need to bring him back. During this last two weeks,  every one visit us and  have many a session of crying, launghing or even scolding. My parent and grandparent promise to do merit by visiting every temple. They are grateful and happy that i am save and sound. When i ask how my baby during my absent, its break my heart. They just said, if i leave him one more time, he will die. They told me how he become souless person.  He dont show his emotion during day life. But he always crying in his sleep. I will never leave him alone again. He is not kidding when he said he will died if i died. What make me regret the most is he still in trauma now. He did not behave like his usual self. He try his best to take care of me.

I can see he start moving and wake up in a few moment. He open his eyes, and try to move but he stop because he is in pain. Normally he will cry and scream scolding me. But what i can see now is really make my heart broken. His eyes are teary. He bit his lips to prevent him from crying. Baby i call him. When he saw me, he start smiling like he is not i pain. I cant hold it anymore and hug him tight. I'm sorry baby i said. I'm really sorry, i'm here now, i wont leave you anymore. I said caressing his face. He just look at me. You can cry scream all you want. I want my baby back i said crying. He touch my face. I'm okay p, dont worry he try to comfort me. Just dont leave me again, i will die he said sadlly. You can do what you want but please dont leave me he plead weakly. I will retire if you want, i will do anything just dont leave me again.
I close my eyes, take a deep breath. Are you promise that you will do whatever i want i ask him. He nod quickly. I want you to happy, be my sugar ball, be my spoil baby and be the bright who your fans miss u so much. Now he look a bit uncomfortable. All of us need you.. we need happy you to move on. Nothing can spark our interest now. Everyone lost in your sadness. You always said that you are happy even bring a little bit happiness in others life. They really need you now. Can you try baby. I ask him softly. I am scare p he said. I scare, people said i'm  cursed. That why people will leave me. People always said that since i am young.  No it nothing about curse or not. Its an accident, unfortunate incident i patiently explain to him. This is how our family is. Life, death, missing, abused and kidnaping is part of us. I'm sorry i am from this kind of family. But i cant leave them behind, i am sorry i said again. Its not because of you, it because of me. I am facing this since i was young. I lost my brother and cousins. I try to convince him. But we cant live in this sadness forever. We need to move on. This is what i want baby. Can you i plead him. After a long silent.  Its hurt p, i cant walk he start crying loudly. I supposed to be worried but now i am glad he screaming and crying. Oh baby i love you i said and he start scolding me which like luluby to my ears. P he scream one again when i cant hear him. I need to go to bathroom he said shyly.. ok.. lets take a bath together i said and lift him.

After having our breakfirst now we are cuddling and look at our media account.
P, he call me and take our photo.  I look at him confusely. He show me our photo. He is very private person. We rarely post our picture together.  But this one clearly people will know he is on my lap. People will  know that we are cuddling.  He look so cute with his hair bang.  I just smile look at his behavior. What are you doing baby, i ask him.  He just smile and show me his tweet with the caption.
"Thank you for coming back safely"
Then we received notification like crazy. He just smile and happily read his fans reply. P can we make IG live, he ask me. Why i ask. I want to meet my fans. How about we meet them live, we can arrange a small fanmeet i said. But p, i'm not ready. He said slowly. Why i ask him. He look at me and look down. Baby i call  and lift his chin. I'm scare you will be attack again he said slowly. I just laugh. I think i get what he plan to do. Baby are you planning to keep me in this room forever. He look me with i will if i can eyes. I kiss him again and again. He must be serious and it so cute .  Are you plan to never leave me alone i ask again. He quickly nod. Omg he so cute. Baby i will start working next week i said. He shake his head quickly. How will i buy  all your favorite sushi if i dont work i ask. He just blushing and slowly said, grandpa said, if you dont work for 10 years you will still rich he said seriously. I cant hold my laugh anymore, I laugh as loud as i can. He now pouting and sulky. I kiss his pouty lips. I can work he said. I can buy sushi myself he try to convince me. But baby, if you work, i 'll bored leave alone at home. I can see he trying to find another excuse. You dont love me he suddenly said and start teary. I know he will use his tears when he cant find any strong reason.  I smile and kiss his eyes. You know i love you i said while hugging my sulky baby. But p he try again but i kiss him to prevent him talking. Bad p he said . I will arrange your fan meet. Dont worry,  we can invite p jeff and win if you like. How about p bible and p pete he ask. So you want all of us with you i teasing him. He shyly nod. Ok baby, what you want you will get i said and  make a call.

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