Part 2 - understood

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Bright pov

I will if i have time, p mile reply to dew. I look at him and understood that he wont follow our trip this time. I cant hide my emotion and we excuse ourself after paying for dinner. He pull me on his lap and hug me sofly. I know he is sorry that he cant come with me, when i ask why, he drop another news. He will leaving me before my departure. I cant hold anymore and cry hard. We never separated after we start living together. I will miss him so much. How long u will be there p i manage to ask. I will back as soon as posible.he reply to me. I nod and hug him tighter.

I know i will face this, i am prepared for it, but its so hurtful when i have to face it. He can never follow me like a shadow forever. He is almighty mile. He have alot of things he need to do beside babysit me. I know he try his best when relate to me. When he make this decision he already do anything he could within his power.

Its ok p, i wont cry when you leave me,
I will wait for you. I said. He kiss my lips and slowly said, love you baby, thank you. I return his kiss pasionately. Love u too p i said. I dont know why, i have uncomfortable feeling. I must be overthinking because i am so sad right now. I spend my whole day with him after samsung event. We cook and swim together. Then we just cuddle the whole day untill his flight on the next day.
He remind me not to cry, eat well, dont be naughty and listen to win and p toey. He know i will but p mile is being p mile.
Wait for me baby he said before leaving our home. I'm not allowed to airport. It will make ruckus and he prefer i safely here.
Wait for me baby, i will come back. He said again and kiss me sofly before walk out the door. When i cant see him anymore i close and start crying a river. Dont cry, you promise me i received a message from p mile. Love u p i reply to him. Love u too baby. He just know me so much. I try to smile and stop crying prepare for my korea trip.

I already in korea. All my team enjoy our stay here, the concert was sucessful as usual. After ended our concert i rush to p toey and ask for my phone. I dont received any call or message from p mile. He also dont reply and answer my calI. I am worried but i need to calm and wait for him. I think my heart stop beating when i see p jeff and grandpa was waiting for me. There is no way grandpa will come here himself. P toey look sad and just look down. I slowly walk to them, sawadika grandpa, p jeff i wai to them. Jeff look at grandpa and slowly hold my hand. Lets get to your place first he said. I just nod and look at them worriedly. Something must be wrong. In my hotel room, grandpa pull me closer. I am shaking with fear. I can felt it relate to p mile. Son listen to grandpa carefully, dont panic and be calm he said look into my eyes. I nod but never leave his eyes.
We cant contact with p mile. We lost contact with him. The team still in operation looking for him. They are ambush on the way to our safe house.
No one safe but we cant find his body. He slowly said. Be prepared for the worst. He said with a tears. I felt like dreaming, i dont think i understand what grandpa said. I felt like walkin the black room and lost my conciousness.

I must be dreaming, there is no grandpa and p jeff here. I talk to my self. That was a scary nightmare. I 'm glad i having a dream.i thought and open my eyes. I close it back when i see p jeff. I'm still dreaming. Where is metawin. Why dont he disturb me sleeping. This dream is awfull. Bright i heard someone call me. I refuse to open my eyes. Its a dream, its a dream , its a dream i repeatly said in my mind. Bright please, win call me. Please win wake me up. This is scary dream. Hurry wake me up. I pray hardly in my heart. Bright i felt someone hold my hand. This is bunny hand. I know it. I open my eyes and look at him happily. for waking me up, i have a scary nightmare, i said. He touch my head and hug me hard. How can this happen, what should i do i heard win slowly cry. What happen win, are you ok i ask him. What wrong, dont worry i will be with you i said patting his back. Win release his hug and hold my hand. He slowly talk to me. Its not a dream, we lost p mile, we cant trace him. He might be NO! He is on his business trip, he will back, he promise me. He never broke his promise i sad loudly and push win hard. He must be crazy i cut him before he said something stupid.

Jeff Pov

I wish i never see this, what should i do. I am very weak now, what should i do. Jeff cant hold his tears. I thought being a mafia the whole of my life i can face this , but i just cant looking at bright in denial.
No, he is on his business trip. He will back. He promise me. He never broke his promise he scream loudly and push win hard. Go away, if you want to say something stupid he said to win. He walk to grandpa. Why are you here grandpa, how are you. I'm sorry i dont notice you he politely said. Grandpa close his eyes and hug him hard. Be strong son, be strong he said to bright ears. No he scream and run to me. P what wrong with every body, what are they talking about, i know you love me the most. Tell me they are lying he said with teary eyes. I hold his face and pull him in my arms.. i hope i can bright, i pray hard that i can i said. I could't hold back my tears. No all of you are lying he said and once again fall into my hug unconciouse.
Prepare to bring him home said grandpa. I just nod and lift him to his bed again. Win bawls his eyes. He sit closely to bright.
What should we do p he ask me. I cant see him like this. Will he survive he ask me. I dont know win. P bible is working hard now. He not sleep a pinch looking for p mile. But we have no clue at all. I scare i weakly say. Now both on us look at bright.
I need you to come with us, beside mile you are the one he trust the most. It will help him. P how come p mile in philipphine. He supposed to be in USA win ask me.Thats how we work win. We try to confuse the enemy, but never thought that we will ambush here. Some one must leek the info. He is doing his second life job. We are in war with the filo mafia. They just so disgustingly coward and cruel. Not one from our team survived. We just hope mile can survive somewhere. Its thin chances, but lets pray for miracle.

* i felt really bad writing this part i. I really hate sad story.

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