Chapter Six: There's No Separating Them

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Word Count: 4k (longest chapter yet)

"So is everyone clear on the plan then?" Kyren asked as he surveyed the faces of the two other Jedi accompanying him.

They both nodded in reply. "Good, so Anakin and I distract Gunray asking to negotiate an exchange of resources while you, Arya, locate and secure the plans for the weapon, while also wiping the database of any information dealing with the hyperspace tracking device. Is everything clear to everyone?" Callian asked after explaining the strategy.

"And if things happen to go south we can just improvise," Anakin stated while shrugging his shoulders.

"Or we could just stick to the plan," Kyren offered.

"Only if it's the only possible way we can get this mission dealt with," Skywalker added.

"Master just go with Ky's plan and then if things go south you can improvise and save the day," Arya spoke.

"Sounds good to me, now let's do this! Come on Callian you're flying with me." Anakin beckoned the other Jedi towards his ship as the trio prepared to set off on their mission.

Arya chuckled as she watched the interaction between her best friend and Master take place. "Don't fly too crazy Sky-Guy, I don't think Kyren will be able to handle it if you do."

Anakin smirked at her, enjoying her happy mood as opposed to the one earlier that day, "We'll see snips,"

Arya rolled her eyes at her Master as he boarded his ship and saluted him before flipping him off. The last expression she saw drawn on his features was one of shock and playful anger.


As the padawan made her way to the delta 7 starfighter in the hanger bay. She climbed into the ship and attached the cloaking device to the bottom belly of the vessel before setting her coordinates and swiftly flying out of the hanger. She knew that Anakin and Kyren were ahead of her, they would distract Nute Gunray while she found and secured the information. There were a few things that needed to happen in order for this mission to proceed as planned. First, Arya had to board Gunray's ship undetected. Second, she had to locate, secure a copy and erase the plans of the weapon. Finally, Kendrix had to make sure that she got off the ship to deliver the plans over to the Jedi council. Simple enough right? Wrong. The padawan had no idea of the schematics of the ship so she would be blindly searching for a device, which was no doubt under heavy security. After attaching her ship underneath the large space station the girl began to scale the outside of the space station, using the force to secure a grappling cord to the entrance of Gunray's facility. The padawan climbed outside of the vessel, quickly reaching the entrance of the station and slipping past the droids who guarded the craft. Arya had completed step one of three for her mission. Upon successfully boarding the ship Arya began to search for a room that held a database which could give her an idea of what chamber the secretive information was stored  After hacking the system she discovered a room plan that was different from all others due to the little information provided on the database. The padawan made her way to the suspicious room undetected and used the force to open the locked door. That was easier than I thought. The teenager assumed. Contrary to her statement a series of blaring alarms sounded as red lights flashed on and off in the room she was in. Instantly, the door was sealed shut and by instinct Arya rushed to the entrance, pounding on the door. This is not good. She thought to herself as the alarms continued to grow louder and louder.

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