Chapter Eleven: A Broken Heart

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Word Count 1.2k

 Arya made her way into the Senator's lakehouse. She thought of her new acquaintance, Soren, and how easy it was to talk to him. Why couldn't things be that way with her Master? No, she resolved. He had his chance and he blew it, he didn't deserve her.

As she pushed open the door her eyes fell on the sweet simple daisy in her grasp. The girl made her way up the stairs and pushed open the door to the spare room.

To her horror none other than her Master, Anakin Skywalker stood in the center of the room, pacing the floor, and shirtless at that. "What the krift are you doing in my room?" Arya demanded, stalking angrily towards him.

"Oh, now she decided to speak," Anakin says mockingly, rolling his eyes at her entrance. "And this is not just your room, unfortunately, and I mean this with the deepest sincerity, Padme-" Arya glared at him as he raised a brow, "Senator Amidala," he corrected, "doesn't have any other spare rooms."

Arya huffed, "What are you talking about?" She snarked, "I saw three bedrooms on this floor when the Senator was giving us a tour. One is Amidala's, the second is a guest room, and the last is-" Anakin interrupted her, "The last is her gardener's room." He finished.

Arya threw up her hands in frustration, "Of krifting course it is!"

"Speaking of the gardener boy," Anakin started, "What in the galaxy did you think you were doing?"

"What are you even talking about, Skywalker?" She retorted.

Anakin's irritation got the best of him as he backed Arya into the wall. "What am I talking about?! What am I talking about?! I'm talking about the fact that you were flirting with this random maintenance guy!"

Arya smirked as she laughed madly, "I can't krifting believe this. You're krifting jealous!" She accused. "Stars this is too good to be true."

Anakin released his grip on her as he continued to glare at her, jaw clenching at her every word. "I'm not krifting jealous Arya," Anakin fired back.

She laughed again. This time in his face, "I can literally see it in you're eyes, You're clenching your jaw so hard I think it's gonna break."

Anakin balled his fists. He was about to bite back when the sound of knocking filled his ears. "Come in." He said angrily.

Padme entered the room dressed in her soft blue nightgown, curls falling from her head. She smiled suspiciously. "Everyone alright in here?"

Anakin and Arya replied simultaneously. "Yes, Padme,"

"Okay, if you both say so. Have a good sleep then. Goodnight Anakin, Goodnight Arya." Padme said kindly as she turned to leave.

"Night," Arya spoke coldly.

"Goodnight, Padme," Anakin replied, tone softer than his padawan's.

She smiled sweetly before shutting the door behind her. Footsteps lightly echoed through the long hallways. The sound of a creaking door was followed by nothing but silence.

Anakin paced the room. As soon as Padme left the two continued fighting. Arya scoffed, "Why are you pacing like an idiot." It was more of a statement than a question. Anakin chose to ignore her for a minute, not replying until he reached her, grabbing her shoulders tightly. "You can't just go talking to some random guy you've never met before! And alone at that, that's even worse!"

"I think I just did." Arya retorted, "And who are you to stop me?"

"He could be the enemy!"

"Relax Skywalker, Soren is not the enemy."

Anakin mutterd something undistinguishable under his breath that sounded like, "She even knows his name."

"What was that?" Arya pressed.

"It's nothing. You just can't go off on your own without me with all these assassins on the loose."

"I'd handle myself fine." She stated.

Anakin inhaled sharply, as he tried to maintain his composure. "I'm sure you would, but we have a job to do here, Arya, don't forget why we were sent here in the first place."

His statement made her realize how foolish she was being. Arya was so focused on her arguments with Anakin that she nearly forgot about her duty to the mission, to the Republic. But it wasn't just her duty it was also Anakin's and he had been fooling around with the Senator ever since they arrived. He needed to be reminded of his responsibility as well. "Same goes for you, Skywalker. Don't think I don't notice your googoo eyes towards the Senator."

Anakin huffed as he ran his hand through his hair in frustration, features etched with anger. He could feel his blood run hot.

His padawan continued, "- You're also an incredibly loud whisperer you know,"

"Arya stop," he commanded, voice stern and cold.

"And yeah, you better believe I see the way you two act around each other! It's disgusting!"

A husked growl rose from his throat. Anakin's brow twitched as he clenched his fists impossibly harder. "Stop!"

Either she was ignoring him or Arya was just too wrapped up in her own anger. She continued nonetheless. "Mmhmm, I bet you and Miss Senator here, have a secret love affair! Well, let me tell you something Skywalker," Arya strode up to Anakin as she sassed his name, "IT'S NO SECRET!"

"I said STOP!" Anakin bellowed, his right hand outstretched and his hand curling slightly.

Arya slammed into the wall, feet barely touching the ground as she grasped desperately at her throat.

Something flashed in his eyes, a moment of realization. Terror. Horror with what he had just done. Anakin released his extended hand and Arya crumbled onto the floor. He rushed to her side and laid a hand on her shoulder. She was shaking as her eyes clouded over.

Arya shuddered seconds later, and flinched from his touch, backing into the wall. Her body tensed as Anakin reached out to her, face fallen,  features screwed up in anguish. Arya stared at him in shock as the entirety of what had just happened came crashing down on her. Anakin reached out for her again, "I'm so sorry Ar's. I didn't mean-" he was cut off by the weight of her force signature. It shattered him. She felt cold. Fear gripped her unlike any other as she backed impossibly further into the wall.

"Don't touch me!" she screamed as she shielded her body, wrapping her arms around her form.

"W-what?" Anakin asked, voice cracking as his arm retreated from her shoulder.

"I said don't touch me Skywalker!" she screamed again. "Stay the krift away from me!"

"Arya," Anakin pleaded. He saw water pricking at her eyes. Her body shook with the effort of holding the tears that threatened to spill down her cheek. His heart broke. He couldn't believe what he just did. All he remembered feeling was anger. Such furious anger.  And that anger seemed to grip every inch of his body and then concentrate itself on destroying the one who had enraged him. Anakin was so wrapped up in keeping his precious relationship with Padme from the Jedi that he had forgotten his responsibility to care for his own Padawan and in a moment of pure uncontrolled rage he lashed out. He hurt her. He hurt her because she didn't obey him. Anakin was no better than the slavers. And that killed him. 

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