The Sun Also Rises

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"Oh, my head. What's wrong with me?" Jenna groaned.

"Do you remember what happened?" Elena asked.

"You called me. You were so scared. Oh, ah, I should have realized that it wasn't you the second I walked out of the house, someone grabbed me. A vampire," Jenna said. Elena was glaring at Katherine who was rapidly shaking her head with wide eyes

"Klaus. It was Klaus. Or Ingrid, you look different, it might've been her," Elena said.

"It was woman," Jenna remembered, "She made me drink her blood and then this pain came over me and I couldn't move. I remember my senses were heightened a lot and I could see this stuff flowing through the bodies of living things, even the trees, that was odd," Jenna added the tree bit because it was true, she could see tree sap, "and then I think I attacked someone and then that's it," she finished. Jenna looked around, "Where are we? What happened?"

Elena takes Jenna's hands, "We're at the quarry. He brought us here," she said.

"Why don't I remember anything?" Jenna asked.

"I was just told Ingrid's kind of vampire can compel anyone," Elena said.

"Except the witches, the Original Twins both respect witches as long as you respect them back," Maddox said.

"If you disrespect them, I believe witches have the worst deaths if you go against them. My father and brother sure learned that," Greta said nonchalantly. Elena thought back, Ingrid might've had been responsible for Greta's father, but she knew Damon and Katherine were there for Greta's brother. What was going on? Elena could tell Katherine didn't know either from her surprised look. Katherine knew Damon killed Luka. Damon knew the Mikaelsons. Damon was related to the Mikaelsons somehow. Was Damon in on everything? Was Damon not who he said he was? Katherine saw Jenna smirk a little before her eyes widen even more. Jenna was in on it too?!

"Jenna," Elena spoke, turning back to her aunt, taking her hands in hers. Katherine spotted Jenna's slight smirk immediately drop into a horrified expression as Elena continued, "Listen to me. Listen to me. Everything's going to be okay. I'm going to get you out of here," Elena said.

"Oh, the human is deaf too. I said Klaus wants two doppelgangers in one," Maddox said.

"What?" Elena asked, snapping her head back to look at the man.

"Klaus. Is. Not. Using. Jenna," Maddox said slowly.

"I bet Jenna is hungry," Greta mentioned and Maddox pulled out a blood bag, waving his hand, throwing Elena away as Greta sets up three rings of fire, trapping Elena. Jenna grabbed the bag and turned away as she dug into it. Jenna hadn't mastered feeding with a half shift. She quickly hid a snort when 'Matt Donovan' was written on the blood bag. Elena kept trying to escape, "Don't bother trying to get through. I spelled the circle. You're trapped. No matter what you do," Greta said. Katherine was still sitting in her circle, looking paler than normal. It was the first time Elena saw her not looking cocky and confident.

"Greta...Please, just-just let her go," Elena begged.

"She can leave if she pleases," Greta shrugged. Elena turned back and saw Jenna had gone, "Oh, looks like your aunt didn't want to stay and sped off," Maddox commented. Katherine was sweating more realizing Ingrid must've been here for a while and got her hands on some residents of Mystic Falls. In the distance, she could see the Bennett witch, and the Forbes' she thought she turned all smiling and giving her a wave in the distance, full vampire faces that looked like Ingrid's on display. She also sees a blonde she's seen with Jeremy Gilbert with the same look with Jenna now joining her. To her surprise, Rose showed up with a good looking male by her side—wait, was Rose pregnant? "Ingrid's kind can have children," Maddox said quietly. Katherine's eyeballs could've dropped out of her skull when she saw Damon step beside the blonde, identical crazy smirks that reminded her of Ingrid. "Makes you wonder how dangerous Ingrid truly is. It makes you wonder if her Romanian husband is really a descendant of his namesake, or is he really Vlad Tepes known as Dracula," Maddox continued quietly so Elena wouldn't hear. A swarm of bats formed into a handsome dark haired man that Katherine noticed looked an awful lot like Damon. He had the same vibe that made Katherine want to run, "You've been played this whole time," Maddox whispered to her and walked away as the group of vampires all formed into bats and flew away.

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