5. Hospital Release

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>Matthew's pov<

I got a call about Mayian being at the hospital when I was almost done cleaning my room about. I panicked as I hurried and got my keys. I left the house with my parents trailing behind me. We later made it to the hospital to see her parents talking to a doctor.

"Is she going to be okay?" her mother asked with a worried look on her face. I walked up to them and slowly looked at her father. "what happened? Is everything okay?" I asked.

All he did was look at me, but her mother started to speak. "We came home after we took her sisters to a music recital they had earlier today, but when we got home it was quiet. We went to look for her, while he was upstairs I was downstairs. I spotted a little puddle of blood under the bathroom door. I opened the door and saw Mayian lying there with a razor blade in her hand," she said sobbing softly.

"She was unconscious and bleeding too much, she lost so much blood." her father said, trying to comfort his wife the best he can.

>Mayian's pov<

I wake up to find that I am facing a ceiling with dim lights shining back at me. My head is pounding like crazy and I really can't focus. My vision is really blurry right now, but I can't find anyone in the room with me.

Like it was on cue my parents came in and ran to my sides. I then saw that Matthew was standing right there, he saw me and went in to hug me. I hugged him back and began crying.

"I'm sorry guys, I'm sorry I just couldn't deal with everything happening to me and I wanted to tell you, but I couldn't make myself speak," I sobbed into his shirt.

I couldn't look at them because I would feel ashamed of telling my mom that I was being abused by my dad. My dad almost every day when my mom went to go to the grocery store, would come into my room and push me around. He would even hit me and leave bruises everywhere to the point where I had to cover them up with long sleeves and pants in the summer. No one knew about what he did to me and I wasn't going to say anything even though I almost killed myself in the bathroom in our downstairs area.

My parents left to get me food from the cafeteria since I haven't eaten anything in a while, but while they went Matthew was here with me holding my hand while he stared at me. He had a disappointed look on his face an "I really want to know why you did it" kind of look. I looked away, but grabbed my jaw with one of his hands and made me face him. He had a sadness in his eyes, a kind of sadness that I have never seen before, ever.

"Why did you do it May?" he asked me, his facial expression softened.

"I don't know why I did it anymore maybe I was just trying to make myself useful or something, but I've been doing this since middle school," I said putting on a straight, yet serious face.

He sighed and tightened his grip on my hand, then my parents came in with the food and set it in front of me. I started eating, my mom looked delighted that I was actually eating food since I never really ate much because of the eating disorder I had gotten in elementary when I was getting bullied for being a fat little kid.

I dug into the potatoes on my tray, they had green beans and carrots too. They were so good like the ones my grandma used to make for me before she died.

The doctor came in and gave us a prescription for some medicine that we had to pick up from the pharmacy downtown. I didn't want to take more pills even though I knew I was going to try to eventually try to overdose in my room. My mom took the slip for the prescription and smiled at the doctor. After I was discharged an hour later I just wanted something unexpected. Matthew looked at me like he knew what I wanted, nodded, and we started walking to his car.

We got in his car and drove home, but on the way there we talked about how I felt about the way people treated me when they would see me in the hallways of the school. He told me he felt bad about what was going on with everything and that I should eat more, even though when I smell food I tend to feel sick to my stomach. It was hard for me to talk about all of this because I began to break down while he held my hand during the car ride. He was reassuring me the whole time that everything was going to be okay, but it was not going to be okay for long.

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