13. Can I Ask You Something?

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I was sitting on top of Matthew that morning while he was sleeping peacefully in my bed. His eyes started to open slightly and he pulled me down on top of him. He smelled like pine trees and ink. I loved his scent in the morning when he was in bed. "Morning gorgeous, how did you sleep last night?" he asked with a very groggy voice. "I slept well how about you dork?" "I slept okay, but I wish you didn't move around so much baby," He chuckled a bit, making me start giggling against his chest. I nuzzled into him, I was so satisfied with his scent that it made me want to fall asleep again. 

He was perfect for me, but I always asked myself why I didn't notice this before. I loved him, yes, but I wanted him to know how much I had loved him since that day in middle school. I fell asleep, feeling the warmth radiate off of him. 

>Matthew's pov< 

I got up and laid her down on the bed while I put the blanket on her since she fell asleep once again. I wanted to ask her something about her sister, Victoria since it is going to be her birthday next week. I wanted to ask her what she liked and where I could find it, but now I think I should find that out from one of her other sisters. I got up and went downstairs to get something to eat, but Veronica and Vanessa were sitting at the table when I got down there. They looked up at me and started giggling. I grabbed Vanessa and set her down on the floor. She got mad when I sat in her chair and stuck my tongue out at her. "Why are you taking my seat I was already sitting there jerk," she said pouting cutely. "Oh sorry, and hey what does your sister like?" 

"She likes drawing try getting her some coloring pencils and a new sketchpad I guess?" She said unsure of what to say. I went back upstairs to get changed and went to go wake Mayian up to shop for stuff. I got to her room and found her sprawled out on her bed. I shook her a bit causing her to sit up, yawn, and stretch. It was adorable.  I couldn't lie when someone said she was cute, she is so fucking adorable and I can't contain my excitement when with her. She looked up at me and smiled softly. "Morning baby," she said. "Morning princess, you got to get up now because we got to go shopping for some stuff," I said. She sighed tiredly and got up, making her way to her closet. "I love you, Matt," she said coming out of the closet and now standing in front of me.

"I love you too princess," I grabbed her waist pulling her closer. She giggled and sat down on my lap, her legs on either side of my legs. I kissed her neck softly as she held onto my shoulders. Her soft giggles filled my ears. Her skin was soft and her lips pink and plump. I loved her scent and her smile. I pulled away and stared at her in awe. She was perfect. She stood back up and changed her clothes. after she got her shoes on, we made our way downstairs to be met with paper and crayons on the floor. 

"What happened here?" Mayian asked. "We were playing with the paper and crayons, but we started drawing and drawing. So, we decided to just play around with it. Are we in trouble?" Vanessa asked him. 

>Mayian's Pov<

"No, you're not in trouble just make sure to clean this up before Mom and Dad are back, okay?" I said,  putting my hands on my hips. Vanessa, Veronica, and Victoria all nodded their heads and went back to play. We went outside and into the car, backed out of the driveway, and started our way to the store. "Okay, so Vanessa said that Victoria likes drawing or something like that?" Matthew said, putting the car in park. "Oh yeah, have you seen Victoria's room? She has so many drawings and paintings in there I don't know to put any of the posters I give her." He chuckled and got out of the car, grabbing the keys from the ignition area before he forgot them. We walked into the hobby lobby and grabbed a cart. I started pushing it to the art section. Until I turned around and couldn't find Matthew behind me anymore. 

"Where did he go now?" I whispered to myself as I picked up a pack of neon paints and glow-in-the-dark paints. Victoria had always wanted these since she first went to Hobby Lobby. She was so excited she wanted everything in the arts and crafts area. I grabbed some more paintbrushes she would want and four large canvases from the bottom shelf. "She would love these and those, but should I get both or one?" "You should get both, love," Someone behind me said. I jumped in surprise and looked behind me to see Matthew standing there with a smirk on his face. "You scared the living shit out of me you jerk!? Where were you?" 

"I was getting you something since," He said handing me a rose. "Aww thank you baby, but are you sure I should get both? They are kinda pricey here." He grabbed both of the things I had been looking at from the shelf and put them in the basket. "Are you sure?" I asked looking at him again as he stood there. "Yes, I'm sure, plus she is going to love everything we are getting her." He started to push the cart to the checkout area. 

We checked out everything and once we were done paying we made our way out to the car. Once we got to the car, Matt put everything and we went to get lunch since it was already 1:30. We picked up some Burger King because if we had gotten Dairy Queen, we both would have never heard the end of it from Veronica. Veronica hates Dairy Queen since the last time it made her throw up even though I tried to explain to her she was already sick and running a fever when we went there. She can be a very big drama queen when it comes to certain things, she gets it from our dad. 

Once we reached home, we brought everything in and put it all in my room closet. I set the food down on the table and called them to come downstairs. "Alright I have food and I got everyone the same thing since all three of you eat the same thing anyways. I didn't forget drinks so I got plenty of food since I know you are going to say you're hungry after you ate." I explained to them and they just looked at each other. I went upstairs to find Matt lying on my bed with his hands under his head. I closed and locked the door before going to take off my shoes. 

I removed my jacket and made my way to the bed, picking up a pillow and throwing it at him. He grabbed the pillow I threw at him and put it under his head. "Asshole," I said getting his attention. "Okay, that's uncalled for princess," he said sitting up and yanking me down on the bed with him. I laughed as he tickled my sides. He knew all my ticklish spots including my very, very sensitive ones. 

"Ok, ok stop, please," I said still laughing. He stopped tickling me just to kiss me passionately. I kissed back wrapping my arms around his neck. He put his hand on the back of my neck, pulling me deeper into the kiss. I loved doing this with him, but I just wanted to stop thinking about everything that had happened and focus on other things. 

>Matthew's Pov<

I started to go down and kiss her neck. A soft moan escaped her lips as a put my hands up her shirt. I stopped and stared at her while she smiled at me. I laid down next to her and covered her and me up with the blanket. I slowly drifted off to sleep with my arms around her and her face nuzzled in my chest. She was extremely warm and soft.

I need to see my mom tomorrow...

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