6. Confession To You, My Dear

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I just want everyone to know that I thought of this and then the song so if you want you can listen to the song before reading the story :> that would be more helpful.

>Matthew's pov<

I couldn't believe what she told me in the car, but now we are in her room. I felt like I should tell her about my feelings now. No, I'll have to wait till I know she can take in every word I want to tell her about my feelings. She was looking at her wrists, I think she knew about what I thought of her doing that to herself. She almost killed herself because of what people are doing to her at school and maybe what her strict parents are doing to her at home. I wanted to be there for her every second of every day, but of course, my mother being an alcoholic and my dad always leaving to cheat on my mom what confidently absurd.

I knew my mom cared, but after she got released from the hospital he left to go cheat again and I hated it. Every second of every day I wished my parents never fought and got along, but Mayians parents were the same way with each other, they fought but never cheated or drank for the sake of their children.

I loved that about them, but I snapped myself out of my trance and looked at Mayian. I grabbed her hands and decided I going to confess to her, I'm going to do it. She looked up at me, surprised.

"I want you to know something and I want to know if you feel the same way, if you don't I'm cool with that," I said trying hard not to look at her eyes that were glowing with the sunlight that was shining through the window. I'm finally going to confess my feelings now.

"I like you, like really, really, really like. I have liked you since forever. I wanted to tell you how I've felt for the longest time, but I've never had gotten the courage to tell you May. You are kind, sweet, brave, carefree, awesome, and everything between the lines. I want you Mayian and I have for a long time so please tell me you feel the same way." She only looked up at me with tears threatening to spill from her green eyes. I was starting to feel like she didn't feel the same way and that made me regret telling her now.

>Mayian's pov<

I had taken in everything he said to me like it was the last thing he wanted to tell me before he was dying. I was shocked, speechless even but I knew I had to tell him how I feel. I could see the regret on his face it was like he wasn't sure if he should have told me or how I felt about the things he said to me.

What he said hit me harder than a brick and I knew that bricks would hit way harder than this. I wanted to let him know how I felt too, so I simply decided to say everything I wanted to from the moment I started liking him. "I feel the same way I have liked you for the longest time even when we were younger and when you were always so caring towards me. You make me happy and I wanted you to know that so much."

I broke up with my boyfriend, Josh (the guy I had been dating before Matthew) because he started to become a dick towards me, then cheated on me twice with the gossip girl at school Maria. After all, that happened, me and Matt started dating by going to the mall, library, food dates, museums, walking in the park trail, and even taking walks on the beach. We even get to hang out and babysit my sisters, even though most of the time they are always making fun of us for dating.

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