7. Why didn't I see what she felt earlier?

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>three months later<

>Matthew's pov<

Today was supposed to be a good day, but then I started fighting with my mom and Mayian is at home babysitting her sisters. I didn't want her here at the moment because I knew that my mom would want to speak to me (more like yell). It always hurt Mayian to hear my mom yell at me, but I didn't mind. My mom would sometimes bring up Mayian and that's when I would lose my temper just a bit. I hated when she brought Mayian into this because of something we did. Now I was sitting in my room, texting Mayian because I was bored and waiting for my dad to get home.

My love is Matthew and May is Mayian if people get confused.


My love❤️: Hey, what are you doing?

May😍: Nothing much just chilling, hanging out with Vannesa, veronica, and victoria.

My love❤️: Oh how are they doing?

May😍: Vanessa is reading, and Victoria is running and playing tag with Veronica you know how they are. They are young and they don't know any better.

My love❤️: Hey at least Vannesa is gonna get smarter reading and not playing tag.

May😍: Yeah, but right now I'm chasing the girls to get them to sit down and eat.

My love❤️: Cool what did you make baby?

May😍: I made some pasta fagoli with a bread bowl, my mom bought the stuff to make it since they are going to be working till morning.

My love❤️: Oh wow I want some, can I come over?

May😍: sure come over right now I'll make you a plate.

>End of conversation<

I put down my phone and got my bag ready to head out. I escaped out my window, down the street, and up to her front door where I can hear the girls laughing and shouting down the halls. I knocked on the door only for the door to open immediately after knocking. Mayian answered the door with her cheeks red and out of breath, she looked hot like this, but I wasn't going to say anything. She let me inside and I sat down at the table while she was setting my plate down in front of me. I looked at the food and it looked so good sitting there on the plate. 

I ate the food and after I did we had to tickle the girls until they finally went upstairs, but when I and Mayian got up there, they were already in bed. I turned off the light and closed the door. We went into her room and I set my bag down on the floor next to her bed.

>Mayian's pov<

We went to my room and watched as he set the bag he was carrying down beside my bed, I wanted to know why he had the bag with him, but I didn't want to make him tell me something he probably didn't want to tell me. I felt bad for him since I knew how his parents could get whenever they are together in the same room. I sat down on my bed in front of him and scooted closer a bit, trying not to make him uncomfortable. He pulled me closer and kissed me. I was kinda surprised by they kissed me, it was rough but passionate, and it was sweet but salty. I loved it and I wanted more of it no matter how hard I tried the feeling never went away. 

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