The Doctor: "Daleks I Should've Known"
Dalek 1: "You Are The Doctor You Must Be Exterminated!"
Dalek 2: "Exterminate The Doctor!"
The Doctor Blinds The 2 Daleks In Storage Room A.
Judith: "We Need To Get Out Of Here!"
The Doctor: "We Will"
Norman: "Doctor Over Here!"
The Doctor And Judith Snuck Over To Norman's Location
The Doctor: "We Need To Find A Way Onto The Bridge"
Norman: "There's An Access Duct Over There It'll Get You To The Bridge"
The Doctor: "Thank You Norman"
Norman: "No Problem Doctor"
The Doctor And Judith Crawled Into The Access Duct
The Doctor: "Judith Stay Close To Me"
Judith: "Okay"
Dalek 3: "Search For The Intruders"
Dalek 4: "I Obey"
Dalek 5: "The Intruders Will Be Exterminated!"
Dalek 6: "Timelord And Human Life Signs Detected"
The Doctor: "We'll Have To Sneak Passed Them"
Judith: "How?"
The Doctor: "Low To The Ground"
Judith And The Doctor Sneak Passed The First 9 Daleks
Dalek 7: "The Grelgans And The Morkonians Will Be Exterminated!"
The Doctor: "Not On My Watch"
He Uses The Sonic Screwdriver On The Power Box
Dalek 6: "Power Failure Detected"
The Doctor: "That Should Keep It Distracted"
Dalek 7: "Initiate Emergency Power Restoration Protocol!"
Dalek 8: "I Obey"
The Doctor: "I'm Afraid Your Power Systems Have Been Destroyed"
Dalek 9: "The Doctor Has Breached Our Defenses!"
Dalek 10: "Exterminate!"
Emperor Dalek: "You Are The Doctor You Are An Enemy Of The Daleks You Shall Be Exterminated!"
The Doctor: "I'm Afraid Your Plans Have Been Foiled"
The Daleks Check Their Systems
Dalek 4: "Confirmed Systems Are Offline!"
Emperor Dalek: "You Have Invaded Us Explain!"
The Doctor: "If You Scan Your Vessel You'll Find Grelgan And Morkonian Officers Aboard Your Vessel"
Dalek 7: "Confirmed Grelgan And Morkonian Officers Detected"
A Man Rolls Out From The Shadows
Davros: "Then We Shall Kill You First Doctor"
Doctor Who: The Haunting Of The Fel Kyron
ActionThe Shalka Doctor Flies Off Into the Stars And Encounters A Spaceship Called The Fel Kyron Infested With Unknown Aliens His TARDIS Lands In The Cargo Area He And His New Companions Judith,Kyle,Martin,Noah,James And Norman Must Find The Cause And Res...