Pt. - 3 : Next, hanging out!

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Next day at school -

I was sitting on my usual spot. Was looking out of the window, at the peaceful tree when I heard a voice. "Hey Lucas what are you dreaming about?" Alex said with his sweet voice. '!' said I. "Okayyy" (he said with a smile). He came and sat beside me as my deskmate Boone was roming around. "Do you want to hang out after school?" he asked me out of nowhere 'What? Umm...Okay..' said I out of nowhere.

He squeezed my cheeks as if I'm a sponge ball , said "Bye bye cuteee!" And moved away without letting me utter a word...
Boone came back after Alex moved.

Boone - Lucas who was that boy who just called you cute? (he said jokingly)

Lucas - Umm..Just a friend...

Boone - Oh I see!

Lucas - Shut up!

Boone started laughing...

The bell rang and now it was English period...

Teacher - So today we'll read this chapter.
Alex start reading. (she said befor he started reading)

Wow he is preety good at reading! Man he read every single word loudly, without any pronunciation mistakes! Cool! And at the end got praised by the teacher too!

After the period ended I packed my bag as I always do and moved towards Alex.

Alex - Let's go!

Lucas - Yep!

Alex - So where should we go?

Lucas - centre?

Alex - Okay..we'll go to the game centre.

Lucas - After that we'll eat ice cream no! First we'll eat something spicy then we'll eat ice cream!

Alex - Okay baby we'll eat something spicy and then we'll eat ice cream also. (He said with a cute eye smile on his face)

Lucas - Hey!...stop calling!

Alex - Never (he said in a teasing tone)

At the game center we played different types of games together. This and that almost every game present there. And after that we went to the restaurant.

Skip to the restaurant -

Alex - So what do you want to eat?

Lucas - I...I want to eat this! (I said while putting my finger on the name of the dish present in the menu)

Alex - Okay, we want this and this.... (He ordered)

We ate the food enjoyingly, it was very delicious!

After that we went to the ice cream shop...

At the ice cream shop -

Alex - So which one?

Lucas - My fixed flavour 'Chocolate'. I'm a chocolate lover you know.

Alex - What! Don't tell me!?

Lucas - You too!?

Alex - Yeahh! Chocolate is my favourite!

(We giggled)

Soon, while eating the ice cream we were going towards our house. And the way where we were going to seperate came ahead. Then he spoke-

Alex - you want to go somewhere else?

Lucas - Like?

Alex - Like the park or...or...the park..haha

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