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it has been about 6 months since i almost died. Mitsuri and shinobu visited me a lot. tomioka was busy on missions. I tried to keep myself active  so i could gain my strength again.

there was a huge scar on my body that made me really insecure about it.  so i started Waring baggy-ish stuff.

master wanted me to start sparing with someone. i chose tomioka.

i walked over to tomioka's home 

"hay" he said wile opening his door

"hi tomioka" i was happy to see him. he was looking as good as ever. 

we went into my back yard and talked for a while. then we got to spareing, we used wooden props of Nichiren swords. on the short note, i lost but tomioka went a little easy on me because i was still a little soar.

he has won a lot and i have won a few. but when tomioka had to be on missions i spared with shinobu. 

i ate a lot of protein. and worked out a lot for 10 hour  straight and lest say it was working. i gained my muscle back.  

akane sensei came over to my home while her student was visiting his grandma.

"y/n start swinging your sword." akane sensei  said while sitting on my back porch. 

it was just like when i was training to become a demon slayer. ah memoris.

i swong my sword and did flips flew in the air it was fun. 

akane was so suportive  until we had our real fight a few week later  she was not the person i knew. i get she was trying to pose as a enemy. on a short note i lost the first time. but the last fight i had with her i won. 

i buffed up for the 9 weeks i have been training.  

on another note i have been having a weird feeling toward tomioka. we have been closer than ever.  it was the feeling i wanted him for the rest of my life.  i have never felt this way about anyone. i blush around him, i go nuts when he picked me up with me wrapped in his heori. ill have to ask mitsuri about it

i feel like my life is getting back on track.

dairy end.

A/n: im sorry this was a really short chapter. i forgot what i was going to write about. so i made it a dairy entry 

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