🪐New Years Day🪐

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"Please don't ever become a stranger who's laugh I could recognize anywhere"

Marlene has been crushing on Dorcas for a while. What she doesn't know is that Dorcas might feel the same way, and what better way to express that than a New Years Kiss.

(Sort of modern day AU magic and Hogwarts are involved but so is technology)

There was only 3 minutes left until the ball drop and James was going around the house rounding up everyone to stand in front of the television to watch the countdown. Ever since their first year at Hogwarts, James had thrown the New Year's party. What started as a simple get together in first year had turned to Hogwarts' most anticipated party of the year by their seventh.

Marlene had been sitting on the couch since 11:30. She had taken a few shots but not enough to get plastered, unlike some of the other people at the party. Sirius was clinging to Remus' arm who had to practically hold the shorter man up as he was so drunk. Peter was laying on the coffee table making "snow angels" and Pandora was standing on the counter singing a very off-key rendition of bohemian rhapsody.

Marlene had been laying across both seats of the couch and just managed to move her feet before someone fell on top of them. That didn't stop the person from leaning all the way over and laying down practically on top of Marlene.

Of course, the one person she's had a crush on since 5th year was clinging to her like a koala. She only hoped that Dorcas was too drunk to notice her heartbeat speeding up.

Dorcas wrapped her arms and legs around Marlene's body and nuzzled her face into the crook of the blonde's neck. Marlene could smell the alcohol on Dorcas which explained her current state.

"Ok ok guys one more minute!" James moved to the center of the room, scooting Peter over to stand on the coffee table. Everyone trained their eyes on the TV watching as the countdown began. As the clock hit 30 seconds everyone grabbed on to their respective partners, getting ready for their New Years Kiss. Dorcas lifted her head up to hover above Marlene's.

"10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... Happy New Year!" Everyone screamed at the same time. Kisses were being shared but Marlene didn't get the chance to see who chose who before she felt soft lips on her own. She melted into Dorcas' touch and kissed her back, earning a wolf whistle from Sirius who, in return, got the finger from Marlene.

Dorcas pulled back grinning. Marlene looked up at her and it took everything in her not to pull Dorcas back down and kiss her again, but she could taste the alcohol on her lips from the Slytherin and reminded herself that Dorcas was drunk, meaning the kiss most likely meant nothing and was a drunken accident.

Instead, she pulled Dorcas back to lay on her chest. At least she could have this.


It was well past 3 in the morning and almost everyone was passed out. Bodies were laying across every surface in the house. Marlene and the other people who weren't drunk had helped pull everyone inside who had passed out on the front and back lawns.

Afterwards, she returned to where she left Dorcas on the couch. Despite how drunk the girl had been earlier, she was still wide awake, staring at the ceiling. Marlene sat on the couch by the other girl's feet, making Dorcas move her head down to meet her eyes. She squinted, adjusting to the light before a small smile spread across her face.

"You're so pretty." Marlene felt her jaw drop and she began to choke, trying to keep it quiet enough that she wouldn't wake anyone else up. 

"I- excuse me?" She had managed to compose herself some, insisting that she had heard Dorcas wrong.

"The prettiest." Dorcas had moved closer and pushed a piece of the blonde's hair behind her ear. Marlene was frozen in place. Dorcas continued to mumble words but Marlene couldn't hear anything over the ringing in her ears. Her skin felt like it was on fire everywhere it made contact with Dorcas'.

Marlene knew Dorcas had been drunk before but her and James had cast a quick hangover spell on everyone, not wanting to deal with a group of hungover teens in the morning.

Marlene was having an internal battle trying to convince herself that maybe they had forgotten to hit Dorcas with the spell or maybe it didn't work right. She was also trying to ignore the fact that Dorcas seemed sober. The words that were slipping off of her tongue seemed real and like she actually meant them.

"Can I kiss you?" Marlene was pulled out of her trance by Dorcas who sat waiting for an answer. The blonde glanced at Dorcas' eyes before traveling down to her lips. She nodded her head slightly but it was enough that Dorcas got the message.

Dorcas practically threw herself at Marlene, planting her lips on hers and Marlene could tell that there was no leftover alcohol left in her system.

Dorcas liked her back

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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