💫snow on the beach💫

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"You wanting me tonight feels impossible. But it's comin' down, no sound, it's all around"

James is always talking about Lily and Regulus wishes that James would say his name instead. But maybe that's who James has been talking about all along.

(Set somewhere in Regulus' 6th year and James' 7th)

Regulus was sitting on the railing of the Astronomy tower, James next to him. Going on and on about Lily again. It made Regulus want to throw up, but him and James had created some kind of friendship that he didn't want to ruin.

Regulus had been coming to the Astronomy tower ever since he accidentally got locked in during a game of hide and seek with Barty and Evan in his third year. It had been late in the afternoon and the sun was just setting behind the mountains surrounding Hogwarts. Regulus had sat there and watched the sunset fade into colors of orange, pink and purple until it all turned dark and the stars came out. He had spent a lot of time as a child looking at the stars but he never thought to look at the sunset. The sun had never looked so beautiful.

Except for maybe now. As James Potter sat next to him talking about the same girl he always did. Never had the sun glowed as bright under a pitch black sky.

Regulus had been hopelessly in love with James since his 2nd year (James' 3rd). In all honesty he was probably the only crush Regulus had ever had. James had come to the Astronomy tower one night during Regulus' 4th year looking for an escape from the boys and he found Regulus. From there they began coming every week. They would sit and look at the stars as they talked about their family lives or who they were in love with. James talked about the latter subject more often than not.

He was doing that now. Looking up at the stars and talking about Lily.

"I mean she's just, she's beautiful and it's like I never want to spend time with anyone else except for her. But I know that she'll never love me back but I just want to know what it's like to have her in my arms and run my fingers through her hair and stare into those grey eyes right before I kiss her and-"

"Wait, James." Regulus cut him off and James turned to look at him

"What's up?"

"I- it's nothing. You just- you said grey eyes but Lily has green eyes. Just thought if you thought about her this much you would at least know what color her eyes were."

"Oh... yeah." James turned away from Regulus, the tips of his ears turning pink as he bit his lip. Regulus resisted the urge to reach out and pull it out from between his teeth.

James was silent for a while before he cleared his throat and spoke in a voice so quiet that if there were any more people in the room other than them two Regulus might not have heard it.

"Maybe it hasn't really been about Lily all along."

Regulus furrowed his eyebrows and turned all the way to look at James.

"But she's who you talk about all the time. I mean I don't think I've heard you say anything about any other girl in the two years we've been meeting here. Why would it not be about Lily."

James turned to face Regulus. His lip still between his teeth, and this time Regulus didn't stop himself before using the pad of his thumb to lightly drag it out. He felt James' breath hitch as he pulled his hand back.

"Maybe it was about her at first. But it hasn't been for a while. Since the beginning of this year probably. And maybe the person it really is about has the most mesmerizing grey eyes that I've ever seen. Ones I'd like to get lost in if they'll let me."

It was now that Regulus became aware of how close they were sitting to each other, knees brushing as James stared into his eyes.

"James-" Regulus managed to choke the word out but it came out more as a whisper, not being able to force more words out.

James reached out and brushed a strand of Regulus' hair behind his ear, dragging his hand over his jaw to rest on his cheek.

"Maybe the person I'm talking about has been listening the whole time."

Regulus didn't waste any more time before leaning forward and connecting their lips. James' hand moved from his cheek to come to a rest at the back of his neck. Regulus dropped his hand to James' waist and went to move closer before he felt himself begin to slip.

He broke the kiss with a small yelp and tried to lean back as far as he could into the Astronomy tower, clinging to James' shirt. James started laughing and Regulus couldn't help himself as he started laughing too. James swung his legs over the railing and held out his hand to help Regulus do the same.

Regulus came to stand in front of James, his hands around the older boy's neck as James' wrapped around his waist.

"So I'm taking that as you like me back?" James looked like he was trying to hide the biggest smile but it wasn't working very well.

"Always James. I've always loved you. I just never thought you would ever-" Regulus could've kept going if James hadn't decided to pull him in for another kiss and as he did all of the words left Regulus' mind. Nothing he said could've been more important than this.

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