🪐How You Get The Girl🪐

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"Tell her how you must have lost your mind. When you left her all alone, and never told her why."

Dorcas and Marlene dated once in fifth year and it didn't work out, but now Dorcas wishes she had done things differently.

(Set in 7th year)

Dorcas was in love with Marlene. They had dated some during 5th year but it didn't work out. Dorcas wasn't sure she knew what love was at the time but now she knew. She was in love with Marlene. She realized this as they were playing truth or dare at a Gryffindor party. A few drinks had been passed around and Dorcas was slumped against Pandoras shoulder as the bottle spun in the middle of the circle they had made.

Dorcas hadn't even realized that she was staring at Marlene until it was her turn to spin the bottle. She spun and it landed on Marlene.

"Ok Marls, truth or dare?" Marlene downed the rest of the firewhisky in her cup and slammed it on the floor in front of her. Making a half asleep Sirius jump.

"Dare." She looked at Dorcas and smirked. God that smirk was going to be the death of her. Dorcas pulled her eyes away and cleared her throat, willing her voice to come out normal.

"I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room." Marlene kept her eyes locked on Dorcas as she asked the question. Dorcas cleared her throat again and Marlene looked away. She looked around the circle then decided to lean over Sirius and peck Remus on the lips.

"Hey that's my boyfriend!" Sirius pushed her out of the way and gave Remus a much longer kiss than Marlene had.

"Get a room you two." James threw a pillow at the couple.

"Don't mind if we do. Come on Moons." Sirius stood up and grabbed Remus' hand to try and pull him off the floor. Remus used that hand to pull Sirius back down into the circle.

"Not right now Pads. Let's at least finish the game." Sirius rolled his eyes and laid his head on Remus' lap, his hand immediately going to the shorter boy's hair.

Dorcas wasn't paying attention to the couple though, she was too busy looking at Marlene who was hiding behind her hair playing with her rings. It was no surprise that Marlene had chosen Remus, after all, his nickname was the Casanova of the Gryffindor tower and besides, Marlene and Dorcas weren't together anymore. So why did she still wish it was her Marlene had kissed and not Remus?


"And Regulus Black has caught the snitch winning the game for Slytherin!" The announcement came over the speakers and the Slytherin side of the stands erupted into deafening cheers. This was Dorcas' favorite part of the game. Sitting on your broom in the air, the only thing you can hear being the cheers of your fellow students. She loved being the center of attention. Even though that title truly went to Regulus she still felt as if everyone was watching her, especially one specific blonde Gryffindor playing for the opposing team.

Dorcas walked into the changing rooms after congratulating Regulus. Almost everyone had left for the day, wanting to do something fun for the rest of their Saturday night. Dorcas spent her time changing into a pair of black sweatpants and pulling the jumper Regulus had gotten her for her birthday over her head.

She was almost done packing everything up when she heard the door click behind her.

"Oh... hey. I thought everyone left already." Dorcas turned around to see a certain blonde Gryffindor standing at the door, her wet hair making a dark spot on the collar of her shirt.

"Yeah. I took my time talking to Regulus after the game. Guess it took longer than I thought." Dorcas turned and grabbed her bag, slinging it over her shoulder. Marlene still stood at the door. Looking down at her shoes.

"Did you need something?" Marlene looked up at her.

"No..no I just- I think I forgot my necklace in here.. I just came back for it." Marlene was stuttering and her cheeks had a pink tint to them. She was a lot more shy when she wasn't drunk, Dorcas noticed. Marlene walked over to the bench and reached under it. She came back up holding the silver chain in her hand.

"I found it. I thought I had them all after the game but this one must've fallen under the bench." Dorcas walked over to Marlene and grabbed the necklace from her hands. Marlene cocked an eyebrow in confusion as Dorcas moved to stand behind the blonde, pushing her hair out of the way and lifting the necklace over her head. She did the clasp as gently as she could.

After the necklace was closed, neither girl wanted to move, enjoying being this close to each other with no one around. This was the first time they had been together alone anywhere since they had broken up. There was never a time when one of the boys wasn't around, talking their ear off about quidditch or their love lives.

Marlene turned to look at Dorcas and opened her mouth to speak but Dorcas cut her off before she could.

"Marls, I'm really sorry about fifth year. I was stupid and I never should have gotten in a relationship when I didn't truly love the person but I think that I might have finally found what love feels like and I know you probably hate me because I probably broke your heart but I know who I love and I know that it's you." Marlene stared at Dorcas, the latter breathing heavy from talking fast.

Dorcas started to walk away, taking Marlene's silence as rejection but she felt the other girl grab her arm and pull her towards her.

"I love you too dummy." Marlene pulled Dorcas down to her and connected their lips again for the first time in two years.

I kind of hate the ending but I wasn't sure how else to write that. Oh well.

Also: holy crap this is over 1000 words. I think this is the longest chapter of any fic I've ever written 🫣

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