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"Don't you usually come in here after the session?" Tyler asks as I walk in.

"I want a drink for the session." I walk up to him so he makes my hot chocolate then takes my money this time.

"My dad said a bear apparently killed a woman last night. I over heard it was bad."

"I've been in those woods many of times and never seen anything that shows bears around. And I've hibernated with Grizzly's. I know signs of bears." I take my cup from him.

"You keep surprising me with new bazar facts about yourself every time we talk." He tilts his head smiling.

"Gotta keep you on your toes."

"Just be careful out there." He tells me so I time to face him at the door,

"Where's the fun in that?" I give him a little smile leaving.


"Miss Addams." Kinbott smiles as I come in taking a seat.

"What shall we discuss today?" I ask taking a sip of my drink.

"How about your relationships at school. Staff and students." She takes her seat as I yawn tired. I barely got sleep having a nightmare about some ugly monster.

"Fine by me." I yawn again.

"Didn't sleep well?" She asks me.

"Nightmare. Well, nightmares aren't really nightmares to me like to others. Just had this monster in it. Now my relationships?" I motion for her to go on.

"How many friends do you have?" She crosses her legs.

"Six; Yoko, Enid, Xavier, Tyler, Ajax, and Eugene. I don't count Rowan, Divina or Kent as friends but I talk to them at times. Then Bianca is a frenemy. We're very competitive against each other." I explain to her.

"And the faculty?" She asks.

"Principal Weems cares about the school very much. She's nice but you can tell sometimes it's an act. I've noticed she compares me to my mother a lot in a sweet sour tone. Which lets me know she has something against my mother. I'm not close to any of the teachers. Ms. Thornhill is a good teacher. Tries to connect with the students. I like her but sometimes she seems too nice. I feel like she hides something behind that smile." I put my cup on the table next to me.

"How's your friendship with Tyler? Since you only see him when you come into town? Is it the least connection compared to who you see everyday at school?" She sits up more.

"No, I would say it's the strongest actually. We have similar things we can relate to and talk about. You seeing him as a court order as well, you know what I mean. There's just something about him that draws me to him. There's more to him than he shows which makes me interested. I want to get to know the whole Tyler...both sides of him."

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