18 | Birthday, Yes

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I was just chilling in my bed when a note slid under my door. I get up to see it read, If you want answers, meet inside Crackstone's crypt. Midnight. I leave my room and run into Wednesday and Enid, "Did you get a note as well?" I ask her and she nods her head.

The three of us head out with our flashlights to see what it was about. Wednesday and I go in while Enid stayed outside. There was slight movement but no one we could see so we called out to them. "Try anything and you'll lose limbs." Wednesday adds.

"Surprise!" Divina, Xavier, Kent, Ajax, and Yoko come out singing happy birthday while Enid brings out a cake.

"I should have known you were behind this." Wednesday flashes her light at Thing then tells him she wanted no party.

"I thought my cake design was pretty inspired." Xavier smiles.

"The pink balloon was my little touch. Why don't you two make a wish?" Enid asks but something else catches Wednesday's eyes.

"Fire will rain, when I rise." She reads.

"That's not really a wish." Enid tells her.

"Wait, we're never eating that cake, are we?" Ajax speaks up. Wednesday gets a vision confusing everyone but Xavier and I. When she comes back she leaves us all.

"Thank you guys for this but Wednesday doesn't care for good happy birthdays." I let them know.

"You still wanna make a wish?" Enid holds the cake out to me. I close my eyes then open them.

"I'm not telling it or it won't happen." I give her a smile.

"So can we eat the cake without Wednesday since we have Valentine?" Ajax adds.

"Why not?" I say so we eat the cake together and hangout before going to bed.


"Birthday girl." Xavier smiles as I walk out to head to town.

"Please, don't call me that." I give him an ugly look.

"Sorry. Where you off to?"

"Into town." I tell him and he just nods his head.

"To do?" He puts his hands into his pockets.

"See Eugene then swing by the Weathervane for a drink and a snack. I don't plan to doing much today. Normally on my birthday, I isolate myself. I like it that way." I explain to him.

"Okay, I hope you enjoy being alone." He chuckles.

"I will." I leave his side.

I swing by the hospital to check up on Eugene and every time I came by to see him I would get upset even though I knew he was going to be fine. "Don't worry about your babies. Wednesday and I have been taking care them for you. I can't wait till you wake up." I give him a smile then leave the hospital.

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