17 | Under Arrest

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All week I've been considered about Eugene in the hospital but I knew he would be okay. I saw it so I had to keep reminding myself and his moms about my powers. This weekend was parent's weekend so I was kinda looking forward to seeing everyone. "There they are." Our father tries hugging Wednesday as we walk over to them.

"Hi, Father." I give him a hug then our mother then Pugsley. Wednesday goes on to tell them about Thing then they ask her how's it been.

"Since you've abandoned me here with Valentine, I've been hunted, haunted, and a target of an attempted murder." She tells them. "

Ah, Nevermore. I love you so." Our father smiles.

Weems ends up taking Wednesday and our parents to her office to talk so I spend time with Pugsley outside. "How has it been here for you?" He asks as we sit at a table.

"Good, until Wednesday showed up dragging me into finding a monster with her." I laugh, "I think you would like it here honestly. You'd make friends easily. I'm surprised I have friends." I tell him.

"You have actual friends? You?"

"Yep. Enid over there is a werewolf. Yoko my roommate is a vampire. Eugene is in the hospital recovering from an attack. Ajax is a gorgon so his hair is snakes. Kent and Divina are sirens. Xavier is up there watching us, he still haven't apologized for being a jerk last weekend. And Tyler is in town working at the Weathervane right now."

"I can't believe you have friends. What happened to people suck and you will never have friends again since you can't trust anyone?" He tilts his head.

"As you can tell I've changed some being here. Which still sorta scares me because I'm not used to it."

"Well hearing what mom says about you and what you tell her... I like this new Valentine as well. I mean you're still the same person deep down just with new updates." He laughs.

"I've missed you." I lean across the table to mess up his hair.


When the three come back we're told we have to do family therapy while their here. I was not looking forward to that the entire drive into town. In Dr. Kinbott office it was awkward as we all just sat there in silence. "So, who wants to start?" She asks us.

After some few words from our parents and brother Wednesday stands up with the police file Tyler gave us. "Who was Garrett Gates, and why are you accused of murdering him?" She gets straight to to point.

"Those charges were dropped. Your father is an innocent man." Our mother tells her. "Local sheriff doesn't seem too convinced." She tells her.

"Wednesday, stop." I give her a look because I felt like family therapy wasn't the best place to bring it up because it wasn't Kinbott's business to know all of this to me.

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