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Weird. My apologies, L/N but it seems like the file has directed you to a different source – this is Eternal Devotion, not Twisted Borderland. Seems like the train of destinations has got it all wrong. My bad. But it seems like this is destiny and I will have to follow your destiny. Worry not, the characters are all the same, except for the fact that they might act differently from what you're used to.

Well then. Welcome, L/N to Eternal Devotion, the file of fantasy seems to tell me that this is a story where you are unable to rest in peace. A story where you L/N, not only live once but thrice – how interesting. The cause of your two previous deaths are the two you love the most, Niragi Suguru and Chishiya Shuntaro – oh no.

Oh! I see a snippet! Do you perhaps want me to open it, L/N? It says:

Please be informed that this STORY INCLUDES:

mature content, psychotic behavior, vulgarity, lovesick behavior (no smut), gore

Do you wish to continue?


If you have chosen no, you may exit the file (story).

If you have chosen yes, you may read the synopsis (snippet).

┏━━━ SYNOPSIS ━━━┓

This is your third life and throughout your two lives, you died from different hands but at the same time, for the same reason. In your first life, you died from Niragi's hands for Usagi. In your second life, you died from Chishiya's hands for Usagi.

What have you done wrong anyways in those lives? It's not like you were mean towards their unhealthy obsession with their crush, Usagi. Okay maybe you have dated Niragi in the first life and that was part of the reason why he was so annoyed with you. You were in the way of him dating Usagi.

But it's not like you asked him to like you and willingly dated you. It wasn't a dare! He said it himself he liked you and dated you now suddenly he's obsessed with another woman? Of course you have the right to be jealous.

𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now