⚠️ Never Enough | Genesis Rhapsados X GN Reader

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WARNING!! Depression!!

If you feel uncomfortable reading about a sensitive subject like this one then do not feel pressured to stay. Your health is more important.

There is a sweet ending, though.

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Third POV








And Again

When will you ever learn?

When will you ever learn to stop trying so much? Without rest, you keep pushing yourself to be better, happier and admired, yet the results are always the same. Why must you be so damn stubborn?

Why couldn't you just give up? Why must you put yourself through so much misery and heartache for something you now know will never come true?

The green and orange lights of Midgar appear blurry behind the drenched windows as the soft motion of the bus carries the passengers through the now dark city. You snuggle into your warm coat and seat as music plays in your ears, just loud enough to deafen the thoughts that have been haunting you.

Suddenly, the soft buzzing of your phone draws your attention down to your hands, where a text message reads,

"Y/n, meet me in the private room. I need to speak to you." Your eyes narrow as the corners of your lips turn down. The image of the man with gentle mako eyes, feathery brown-ish hair, and a proudful smile appears in your mind, causing your heart to be in a sudden, painful hold.

"I'm done...I'm done trying, Genesis."

Turning your phone on silent mode, you look back out the window.

"No amount of hard work is gonna make you a hero, Y/n!"

"You're just a show off..."

"Go back to where ever the hell you came from!"

"I wouldn't put it past me if she is doing it just to get into her mentor's pants..."

Those words that you brushed off for years suddenly come flooding back, making you close your heavy eyes and say,

"It's over."

The bus slows to a stop before people begin to stand up and grab their stuff.

"Over alrighty, huh?" you think before grabbing your things. When you step out onto the sidewalks, soft yet chilly wind nips your face as gentle water lands on your head. The smell of rain, car engines, and food wafting from nearby stores all tingle your nose as you look up at the tall buildings.

"I'm...Free." Now that you are no longer part of SOLDIER, you can go where ever you want. You had already signed the papers saying you were leaving, though you hid why with a simple yet convincing lie.

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