𓆩♡𓆪 Rest | Reno x GN Reader

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✧*̥˚ Second POV *̥˚✧

A burning itch stings your eyes as you stare at a stack of papers, your body feeling heavy while your mind feels fuzzy.

"You better be okay, Elena," you mumble, leaning back into your chair while taking a deep breath. Your friend Elena had asked you if you could do her paperwork while she carried out a mission. As much as you wanted to stare at her and say no, her puppy-dog eyes got the better of you.

Suddenly, you hear the door opening to your office.

"Yo, Y/n?" Renos' voice causes the corners of your lips to turn up as you look at him. "Hey," you say, your voice dry like sand. Reno squints his eyes.

"You look like shit, what happened?" You gesture to your desk.

"Elena asked me to do her work while she is gone, so..."

"Did you pull an all-nighter?" he asks, arching an eyebrow. You look down and nod.

"Well...How much paperwork do you have left?" Reno asks as you hear the sound of footsteps.

"Umm, maybe twenty pages?" You look up and see Reno leaning forward and grabbing the stack of unfinished papers.

"I can deal with this; you should go and get some sleep." Part of you squeals with joy at the thought of finally being able to rest your eyes, but another part of you wants to get back to work.

"Here," Reno says as he walks towards the black sofa near the door. He sits down and leans back while patting the spot next to him.

"Get some rest, dumbass." You smile as you drag yourself towards the couch like a zombie.

"Thank you, Reno," you say as you sit down and rest your head on his shoulder.

"Yeah-yeah, just get some sleep." You giggle as you close your eyes and listen to the clicking of a pen and the sounds of papers shuffling.

Just before you drift off to sleep, you hear,

"You're welcome."

Yo, What do you think about this one? It is short, but I thought it would be fun to write this, hehe.

Let me know if you caught any typos or have a request.

Much happiness by Silver_Demon47

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