The Horrific Night

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One night in July, towards the end of the summer I got a message from Scott

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One night in July, towards the end of the summer I got a message from Scott.

Scott 💙
Paige are you going to Jessica's
party tonight?

What?  A party?  Hell yes, I'll be there.  I thought to myself.  I quickly walked to Jeff's room to ask him if he was gonna go, but he was still asleep.

I checked the time on his bed side clock and it read 12:00 pm.  I understand that it's summer, but he should be awake.

I shook him awake and received lots of groans and grunts in return.

"Why are you waking me up right now, Paige?" a still clearly half asleep Jeff mumbled.

"Because, Jeffrey, it's noon, and you gotta be ready for the party tonight." I said in return.

"But the party isn't until later." Jeff pointed out while sitting up in his bed.

"Yes I'm aware, but mom and dad won't let us go anywhere till the house is clean, so we gotta get started." I said back with a slight groan.

"Fine, fine, fine, I'm up then." Jeff said while rubbing his eyes.

We get started on cleaning and we finish decently quickly.  We split up the work, and when we were both cleaning up the kitchen we battled it out with soap suds from the sink.

After we finished it was about 4:00 pm.  The party was gonna start in the next 3 hours or so.

I go upstairs to my room and take a shower.  Making sure to wash my hair extra good and shave every last inch of my body.

I got out of the shower and started to blow dry my hair and search for an outfit but couldn't decide on anything.

Instead of getting dressed I decided to start my makeup.  Yes, I was still in a towel, but that's because I couldn't choose an outfit.

My phone started buzzing and I see the contact name "Scott 💙" on the phone.

I answer a calling Scott, who, he was my best friend.  Sometimes it felt as if me and Scott were closer than Jeff and Scott were.

"Hey Scotty!" I say while putting on my winged eyeliner.

"Hey Paigey!  So you're coming to the party tonight?" Scott says while watching me put on my eyeliner.

"Yes I am, except I have zero idea what to wear!" I said with a joking sigh.

"Well what if you wear that one dress, the black one." he suggested.

"I would Scott, but last time I wore that dress to a party Luke Holliday grabbed my ass and told me to wear it again around him.  Yeah...I don't think so." I said with slight disgust.

I propped up my phone to face my closet and Scott observed it through his phone screen.

"Wait, what about that one?  The pink one?" He says and I notice which one he was talking about immediately.

It was a short pink dress that fit my bust perfectly.  The skirt started to flow out the sides towards the bottom, and it had a slight ruffle almost to it at the top of the skirt.

I grabbed it and walked off the camera, putting it on.  I came back and gave Scott a little twirl, he sent me a smile.

"It looks amazing on you Paige, you have to wear that tonight!" He exclaims.

"Okay, and I'll wear my white heels with it as well!" I said sounding super girly and excited.

Scott gave me another smile and laughed at my enthusiasm.  "I'll see you later Paige, save a game of pong for me."

I smiled and nodded before hanging up the call.  It was now 6:00.

Did I really just spend two hours, showering, doing my makeup, and then getting dressed?  Yes, yea I did.

For the last hour I had before leaving to the party I curled my hair and painted my nails.  Not even going to lie, I looked hot.

I arrived to the party with Jeff and I immediately went to the drink table. If this was a party I was gonna make sure to have fun.

I made myself a cup of Vodka and Coke and drank it almost immediately. What can I say, I like the taste.

After some time I was drunk, I played pong with Scott, did shots with Zach, and played suck-and-blow with Monty and Justin. I had almost kissed Monty, but Jeff decided it was time to go home.

I refused and Monty told Jeff that he would just take home. Jeff had left and the party continued.

All of a sudden my phone starts to ring. "Clay Jensen", a contact I thought I'd never see was calling me.

I pick it up and through gasps and wails I head Clay say, "Jeff, he- he's gone, you have to come here, you can't let him die!"

I stood there in shock, my world felt like it was towering down now. I felt dizzy and my breathing became short. I ignored this and ran down the street away from Jessica's.

"Paige where are you going?!" Scott yelled out, not realizing that I was sobbing and panicking all at once.

As I kept running, I finally made it to the scene, and there he was. Jeff. Bloodied up and unconscious, not breathing.

There was glass and blood all over the inside of Jeff's car. I opened up the car door and screamed for help as I held my brothers lifeless body in my arms.

As I sat there cops were trying to calm me down, but I was intoxicated, and scared. Monty and Scott pulled up in Monty's Jeep and practically pried me off of Jeff.

I continued to cry as they helped me into the back seat. My stomach dropped at the realization, and I passed out.

Once Monty had gotten me home, Scott and Monty stayed with me that night. My mom and dad weren't home, they didn't know.

I went to the bathroom where I paved back and forth, throwing things, and where I ended up vomiting on myself. A mix of the alcohol and thé uncontrollable wailing all just came up.

"Scott? Monty?" I quietly cried.

Scott opened the door and saw the situation, he went and got Monty and they helped clean me up. Scott helped undress me but then his phone started ringing, "Mr.Atkins" being the contact.

Monty helped clean me up and get me dressed, he walked me over to my bed where I sat down. I hugged myself and cried even more. I didn't know a person could cry this much.

Monty sat next to me, looking at me apologetically. I looked at him before starting to cry again. Except, this time, Monty hugged me and rubbed my back till I calmed down.

Scott and Monty had stayed with me that night.

I felt true pain, that I didn't know was possible.

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