The Baseball Team

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As I woke up next to Paige I remembered how amazing last night was

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As I woke up next to Paige I remembered how amazing last night was.  I quietly got out of bed bed and put my clothes on.

I wrote her a note before leaving, and then I left for school.  Once I was there I met up with the guys.

"Montyy my man, why do you look so tired?" Bryce questioned.

"He was obviously fucking Chloe last night." Zach said to piss Bryce off.

"Jokes on you Dempsey, because I was fucking Chloe from behind all night last night." Bryce said, sounding proud of himself.

Paige ❤️
Good morning my handsome
man.  I hope you slept good!  I hope
you have a good day at school, and
now I realize I sound like a mom, sorry,
have a good day, text me! 

Good morning beautiful, I slept
wonderful, but that's because I was
next to you all night.  I'll text you
after practice today.  I'll se you later!

"Ooh who's Monty texting, hm?" Luke teased and grabbed Monty's phone.

"Paige?  As in Jeff Atkins crazy hot and insane little sister?  Fuckkk Monty, is she good in bed?" Luke pestered.

"Just because me and her text all the time doesn't mean we fuck.  And don't call her 'crazy hot' you piece of shit.  Also, she's not insane." I said  very defensively.

The school day went on, and it wasn't the same not being able to see her all day.  I did my work and finally it was time for baseball practice.

In the locker room I took off my shirt so I could change into uniform.  I have completely spaced the hickeys Paige had given me last night.

"Okay there's no way you and Atkins didn't fuck." Luke laughed.

"Wait, who are those from man?" Scott asked genuinely interested.

"The fuck if I know, she was just some one night stand." I lied.  I had lost the bet with Scott a while back, and now I'm lying about who I was with.

The guys left the locker room, everyone except Scott.

"Why'd you lie?" Scott questioned me.

"Maybe because I don't wanna hear Luke and Bryce call Paige crazy hot and insane, and then comment on me for who I like."

"I mean fair, but also, do you think Paige wants to keep it a secret?" Scott said.

"No, and I think she wants the same thing I want, to be more than just friends." I told Scott.

"So, do this.  Ask her to Spring Fling, but not just as your date, but as your girlfriend." Scott said, proposing an idea.

"Maybe I could do that, and then I get to go to Spring Fling with her as a couple and then Luke and Bryce will shut their mouths." I said.  I was totally on board with this plan.

After practice was over I texted Paige telling her how my day was. Everytime I texted her, was near her, even when I think about her, I got butterflies.

I drove to Rosie's and got Paige a chocolate milkshake, and then I stopped by the Walplex and grabbed a bouquet of flowers. Then I drove to Paige's house, nervous to see her.

As I neared the Atkins house I practiced what I hoped to say to Paige in my mirror. I was scared shitless about fucking this all up.

I got out of my car with the milkshake and flowers and walked up to her door. She had kept it unlocked for me, meaning she knew I was coming over.

I stood there holding everything and yelled up to her, "Paige can you come down please?"

I heard her shuffling out of bed. Based off of her messy bun, and pajamas it was clear to me she stayed in bed all day. She still looked absolutely beautiful though.

"Monty what are you doing?"

I took a deep breathe before starting.

"Paige Marie Atkins, you are my best friend. You make me a better person. When I'm with you I can't help but smile, you have that affect on people. Spring Fling is next week, and I was hoping you'd go with me? But before you answer, I don't wanna just go with you, I wanna go with you as a couple."

"Monty I-" She smiled and walked toward me. She took my hands in her own. "I would love to go to Spring Fling with you, as your girlfriend."

I smiled and kissed her. She was the best thing in my life. We went upstairs in her room and cuddled while watching TV.

"I come back tomorrow," she said, her eyes still locked on the TV.

"Yeah I know, and I can't wait to be able to kiss you in the hallways and hold your hand and all that couple type of shit." I said smiling down at her.

"Monty, how long did you have a crush on me?" she asked, looking up at me now.

"A while. I liked you all through sophomore year, and then after Jeff, it gave me an excuse to see you more often. And well, look at us now."

"That's funny you say that, I liked you in sophomore year too, I was just too scared of getting rejected by you so I never said anything." she laughed, turning back to the TV.

We just sat with each other cuddling. She fiddled with my hand and I rubbed her skin. We were both happy the way we were.

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