Mother of Exhaustion

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When I got home from school I went to the pantry to get out a snack for my little brother Nathan. Then I realized that we had run out of crackers a week ago and the cereal had been finished off this morning. All that was left were grains, oils, and vinegar. I looked in the fridge and there wasn't anything I could make into a snack. The freezer seemed to have served the same fate until I finally dug a popsicle out of the back for him. I set Nate up on the couch with a show and got started on cleaning the house. The kitchen was a disaster, and so was the dining and living room. I hadn't cleaned anything since last Friday and we were almost out of dishes. While I cleaned I put my favorite music on, Country. By the time my father came home the kitchen and dining room were clean and supper was on the table. It had been hard on me after my sister moved to New York, I had to be a mother in more than just the parenting way. Once my brother and dad settled down to dinner I set to work on the living room and moved on to doing laundry and cleaning everyone's rooms. By the time all my work was done, it was eight-thirty and I put my little brother to bed. I sat down with my dad in the living room.

"Thanks, honey, for cleaning up the house and taking care of your brother and me today," My dad smiled at me. "You are such a big help, I don't know what I would do without you. If it wasn't for you I would be living in a pigsty of a home."

"I promised mom that I would look after you guys after she was gone. All I am doing is fulfilling a promise that means the world to me."

"This is why you are such an amazing daughter. Have you done your homework already too?"

"Yep I have nothing to do, well I could work on part of a presentation I have with my friend Dani but other than that I don't have any more work to do which is a relief."

"Wow, honey, good job."

"I guess. By the way, would you be ok with me going over for a sleepover at my friend's house from school?"

"You know how I feel about letting you go off with people I don't know well. Who are they?"

"I've known this girl since third grade, she comes from a Christian family too. She should be safe she has never done a thing wrong she is known as "goody two shoes* at school."

"Are you certain you will be safe with her?"

"Of course. Also if you are worried about me being touched by a man again in a bad way don't worry her dad is out of town and she only has one sister and no other siblings."

"What's her name? Full name. How old is she? How old is her sister? What does her mom do for work? What does her dad do for work? How are her grades? Does she treat you well at school? Does she indulge in drugs?"

"Danielle Marcy Randall, she is thirteen, her sister is fifteen, her mom is a stay-at-home mom I think, I don't know what her dad does for work. She does super well in all her classes, she treats me with the utmost respect, and she stays far far away from the druggies. Happy? That's everything I know about her and I gave you all that information. Can I please go over because we need to work on a presentation for history class and it is due by next Friday?"

"All right you have my go-ahead. However, I will be driving you there, understand?"

"Yep, I've got it to thank you! I need to call Dani and tell her I'm coming and I need to pack some things."

"Um, actually one more thing. How are you getting to school? Only designated students are allowed to ride the bus. If you have a way of getting to school you may go."

"Danielle's house is down the road from the school she has to walk to the school. Tomorrow morning we will walk together to school and I will take the bus home."

"All right go pack and get ready to leave. Make sure you have everything!"

"I'll tell her we'll be there by nine-thirty. Is that ok?"

"Yep that should be fine I'll go warm up the car in five minutes."

I ran upstairs, called Danielle, put her on speaker phone, and put my phone on the dresser. As I scrambled to pack an overnight bag to bring to her house we talked about what we would do and what I should pack. Once everything was ready to go I ran downstairs, slipped my shoes on, and ran out to the car.

"Well, I'll need directions, hun."

"Of course, so we are going to go to the end of our road, turn left, enter the main street, drive down till the end, go down St. Mary drive, and turn right onto Berlin Avenue, it is number 2543."


Dad put the car into drive and we headed out. As we drove to Dani's, we talked about Cassie and how much we miss her, how amazing mom was, and how Nathan would turn out as a person with only a dad. As much as I loved helping my dad with the kids and looking out for the house I was getting tired and escaping my house for Dani's was a huge relief for me. We pulled up to the house and I hopped out of the car grabbing my bag from the back.

"Thanks, dad for the ride. I love you and I will see you tomorrow when I get home!" I turned to walk up to the house.

"Wait a minute, hun." My dad called out. "I want you to know I love you, now stay safe, and have a good night and day tomorrow. Come hug me and kiss."

I ran back to the car, embracing my dad tightly in my arms. "I love you to dad, have a good night and day tomorrow at work."

Then I walked up the driveway and knocked on the door. Danielle's mother answered the door. "Hello, hun!" She smelled like cinnamon and sugar. "Welcome to our humble abode."

I walked into the entryway and took off my shoes. "Your house is lovely! It's so bright and clean. What smells so glorious?!"

She laughed, "First thank you! We cleaned today. Secondly, that smell is the candle burning. I like to light candles at night to cleanse the air."

"I like that idea. I might start doing that at my house after I clean it up. I'll just have to acquire the candles and have time after cleaning it up to leave it lit."

"You clean your house? By yourself? Why aren't your mother or father taking care of those things? Or even like an older sibling?"

"I am the oldest child at home and my dad is my only parent. He relies on me heavily and he has every right to." I smile politely at her, " I don't mind helping him though I see it as my duty."

"That is lovely to hear. Your heart seems to be strong and kind." She smiles sweetly down at me. "Now you didn't come here to talk to me, you came here to talk to Danielle. She is upstairs in her room. Have fun!"

"Thank you, Mrs. Randall."

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