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Keesha came into the room while I was sitting on my bed vibing to music in my headphones. I didn't realize she was there until my song was done playing and I was thoroughly embarrassed.

"Hey," I said blushing.

"Hello Kelsea Ballerini," She responded laughing.

"Wait you know that song?" I looked puzzled at her. Does she like country music too?

"Of course, it's one of my favorite songs." Smiling she plopped down on my bed next to me leaning her head on my shoulder. "I am so tired."

The butterflies in my stomach went crazy and I had to regulate my breath. "Keesha I-"

"Hey girls, do you want some hot cocoa?" My mom yelled up and I sighed.

"Hell yeah!" Keesha jumped to her feet pulling me with her. "I love hot chocolate it's one of my favorite drinks!"

I ran after her laughing as we made our way downstairs to the kitchen. Our brightly lit kitchen opened up to the dining and living room. I breathed in deeply as we waited for the hot chocolate to finish warming up. Keesha was deep in conversation with my mom about candles and where to get them for a good price. I watched her as she gestured with her hands excited, the way her eyes sparkled when something piqued her interest. For some reason, everything about her was perfect in every way. Her height, her nose, her eyes, her lips, and the smile they created. Reaching to pour our cups of cocoa, I noticed something else about her. As the hot liquid trickled down into the mugs I realized that beauty was not the only thing Keesha had. The stress I could see in her eyes underneath the shallow sparkle there was sorrow and anger. Her muscles were tensed like a nervous horse and she occasionally shifted her feet nervously. I cocked my head to the side slightly trying to decipher what I was seeing. "Hey, Keesh, want to head back up to my bedroom with our drinks?"

"Sure!" Keesha nodded at me and turned back to my mom."Thank you, Mrs. Randall, for the info about candles I will definitely look into purchasing some!"

* * * * * * * * *

It was dark as the rain fell outside the house while Danielle and I lay on her bed. I snuck a look at her, she had her eyes closed smiling, and swayed slightly to the song playing, Cross Country by Breeland. My mouth tilted up slightly looking at her beauty. She was so tall, beautiful, confident, and gentle everything I had ever wanted. My eyes traveled back up to look at the ceiling and the glow-in-the-dark stars stuck there. "Danielle?" She turned her beautiful ocean-blue eyes looking at me expectantly. "A-are you..." My voice trailed off and I sighed. "Never mind."

Danielle turned her body over and rested her head on her hand. "No what is it Keesh?"

Nervously I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. Taking a deep breath I turned to look at her. My eyes trailed over her face landing back on her eyes searching them. "Danielle I want to ask you...Are you...Do you?" I slapped myself mentally for how stupid I must sound stumbling over my words.

Danielle laughed eyes sparkling, it wasn't a mean laugh more like she found something I said actually funny. "Yes, my lovely Keesha I am gay."

I looked at her surprised at her ease in answering the question so freely. My heart beat slightly faster at hearing her call me "her lovely Keesha" no one had ever called me that. "I was confident you were until earlier today in class when you told me that your family is Christian."

"Girl just because my family believes in one thing doesn't mean I do. To be honest with you I used to be a Christian but that was three years ago."

"How did you know what I was going to ask you?" I asked sitting up as well.

"Keesha I am not dumb, I've seen you looking at me confused as if you are trying to figure me out. That was when I realized you were confused about my sexuality, I am aware I look quite gay." Danielle gestured to herself laughing.

My eyes traveled over her taking in every beautiful piece of her. She was big but not really overweight and more muscular. Her undercut with her long flowing black hair, those ocean-blue eyes I loved to look at, the perfect curves of her lips, and the strong defined jawline. My eyes trailed down her body not only was her face beautiful but so was her body. Her chest was large but not too large, her torso curved and out leading onto her lovely thighs, her thighs thick and strong leaving onto the powerful calves holding her beautiful stature up. Danielle caught my eyes traveling up and down her body and I locked eyes with her. She smiled softly and I blushed hard smiling back up at her. Our faces grew closer and closer together my lips inches from hers, she closed her eyes and I leaned in as our mouths connected sending shocks down my body. Danielle smiled as we kiss and I did as well then we pulled apart, looked at each other, and she pulled me back placing her hand on my neck with her thumb on my cheek and her other arm wrapped around my waist. I put my arms around her neck and all the stress I had felt slipped away. We fell back on the bed laughing and Danielle turned to look at me.



"I'M GAY!"

"I know!" I said laughing.

"No no no, I mean I'm really gay, like a Lesbian." She smiled. "And as a newly proclaimed Lesbian...I would like you to be my first love."

"Wait, what do you mean?"

"I am saying," She smiled gently. "I want you to be my girlfriend."


"Well if you feel the same way and you're comfortable?" She frowned slightly. "Did I step too far? I just thought because we kissed and I have feelings for you. I always thou-"

I pulled her face towards mine kissing her lips gently. "Danielle...I would love to be your girlfriend." I kissed her again.

She leaped up from her bed dancing around her room. "I am so happy! Oh my gosh! Hallelujah!" She fell back on the bed laughing and pulling me into herself. I snuggled in feeling so whole and happy. As we drifted off to sleep I breathed steadily and evenly for the first time in a long time. In Dani's arms, I felt safe and calm. 

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