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It has been two months since Keesha and I started dating and I felt so free and comfortable being who I am. Now I am open and honest about my sexuality everyone in school now knows I am a lesbian and that Keesha and I are dating. The only problem I had was that my parents had no clue I was dating anyone let alone a girl. I was scared of what would happen if they were to find out about my choices. Not only were they unaccepting of the LGBTQ community but they were also perfectionists when it came to their kids.

It was a Saturday morning and I had just gotten up, I had been on a call with Keesha up until three am and slept in until eleven thirty. I stumbled into the kitchen.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." My mom said kissing my forehead. "I am making crepes for breakfast, your favorite!"

"Thanks, mom," I turned the coffee maker on and grabbed my favorite mug.

I ran upstairs after breakfast with my second mug of coffee. When I got to my room I opened my laptop and got started on my weekend full of homework. Why did I choose to stay up until three am with Keesh I thought. Opening my online classroom, I began watching the video assigned to the psychology class I had enrolled in for the summer. And why the hell did I decide to take this course during my off time? I also had work today from twelve till nine-thirty and I wasn't looking forward to that shift. Finishing up with the assignment, I closed my laptop and got dressed in my uniform running downstairs as I brushed my hair. As I was putting my shoes on my mom called from the kitchen.

"Honey, are you ok?"

"Yeah, why?" I looked in the mirror confused. I didn't look upset and I've been the happiest I have been in a while.

"I heard you up last night and wasn't sure if something was wrong."

"You probably heard me up working on some of my assignments I was stupid to think I could work, do a college course, and still have a life during my off time."

"Honey you can drop the course if it's too much, you might fail it if you don't have enough time or energy and then that would look bad, dropping it because of a busy schedule might be a good idea." My mom emerged from the kitchen wiping her hands down from doing dishes. "Also you are fourteen. You don't need to be doing a college course yet maybe when you are in grade eleven or twelve but not when you're going into ninth grade." She kissed my forehead and left to get the car started.

That's my mom for you, she will give you a long-ass lecture on who to be, what to do, and how to act and then leave you to think about it. I finished tying my shoes and headed out to the car where my mother was waiting. When we got my job my mom got a call from my grandmother. I stood outside of the car looking worriedly through the window at my mom gesturing widely on the verge of tears. She got off the phone and put her head into her hands, I opened the door crouching down to look at her.

"Mom," I said softly putting my hand on her knee. "What happened?"

She turned to look at me tears running down her face as she silently cried. "Y-your grandmother..."

I looked at her with a horrified expression painted on my face. My grandmother was extremely special to me. She was the person who had taught me to bake, and stay strong, and she had an amazing sense of humor. I held my mother's hands in my hands and she rested her head on mine and we sat there crying for a while. After a time I got up and went in to explain that I wouldn't be working my shift because of my situation. We got back into the car and drove home, when we got there I walked upstairs in shock not knowing what or how to feel. My entire day was falling apart. Whenever I got to this point I'd call Keesha but I didn't know if I should. Almost like an answer to my question Keesha called a minute later.

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