Chapter IV.

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I have also changed a detail in this chapter , Xi Jinwei who had two siblings who were twins is now only one. He has a brother who a year younger than him

Walking inside the mansion, she was been led to the kitchen where all the others were.

'Wait, if the maids where present,then they saw everything that happened but decided to turn a blind eye.' Wang Linxue sighed at that, prompting one of the maids walking with her.

"Is there anything you would like Miss Wang?", the maid smiled a boot licking grin.

She smiled sarcastically but shook her head. Soon they reached the kitchen to eat snacks and dessert provided to them by a chef and his assistant.

Mind you, the snacks were very delicious but also small. What was with that. The thing was delicious but only a bite and it was done.

So, she took a lot and stuffed them up a bit ungraceful making the girls who were presumably her friends laugh.

She also laughed with food in her mouth making the girls do ' Eews and yucks'.

Soon , she found out the names of the girls and they were side characters in the novel but she remembered them.

They usually followed the villainess around even as they grew up and helped her in her schemes.

Chi Minxia and Long Yue. Daughters of rich people. No wonder they got the chance to be here. Chi Minxia's family thrived on connections though and weren't inherently powerful.

But Wang Linxue was brought out of her reverie when Long Yue swung her arms with hers and led her to the doorway of the kitchen. Chi Minxia carried some cupcakes for herself and followed them.

"Hey Linxue."


"Today , you are acting I dunno...kinda nice. "


She jumped a bit frightened," I'm not saying you-you aren't...nice. Just that, you are being...", she paused in thought.


Chi Minxia chimed in," Yeah, like today, you were nicer to the illegitimate son . You kicked away that glass shard away."

Wang Linxue looked at her friends. She didn't want to make it obvious but they noticed which meant they knew the villainess well.

Meanwhile, Xi Jinwei (aka male lead) who was passing by the kitchen after going upstairs to change his clothes heard someone say 'illegitimate son' ,and he paused on the way to listen.

Wang Linxue who was oblivious to his presence spoke half of what she really thought. "Well Yue Yue, Minxia ,I guess if we bully people too much, karma is going to do the same."

" Karma?"

Wang Linxue looked suprised," You don't know what karma is?"

"I know, stop messing with me! I mean, you were nicer to him because of karma?"

"No actually. I will stop because, he is a person and people should be treated with respect. Nothing more , nothing less. "

The girls were both quiet and stared at their friend in surprise.

'What had caused the change in their friend?', they both thought as they stared at the girl.

Actually, another reason she was nicer is because he is the male lead, duh!

After a moment, Chi Minxia stuttered quietly," T-Then I will b-be nicer too."

"Yeah, me too!,"

"No actually, don't make it too obvious or he's going to suspect something. So just treat him like you normally do others. With indifference. Okay?"

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