Chapter IX.

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In her previous life, Wang Linxue learned to swim in school so thankfully she didn't drown but was toppled and carried away by the water roughly with the loud deafening sounds.

Some of the water filled her mouth making her choke a bit before coughing it up loudly as the river speedily carried her away from the river boat and out of bounds.

She swam with the current but her current size made it a bit difficult until she saw Xi Jinwei also being carried away.

Tiredly she caught up to him and wrapped her left arm and legs around him tightly then tried to swim but they just went with the flow of the water.

The rain was heavy making her eyes wet and the waves threw them off their bearings.

Wang Linxue still held on to the unconscious boy and yelled to Ping " Do you think we can get out of this?!"

"You're crazy! Jumping into such a..." He paused there since there was no time to waste.

Sighing, he advised " Hold onto the boy as long as you can until the water becomes stable. Can you do that?"

"Yeah, I'll try." She breathed heavily and herself tighter against the boy.

Regretfully, she had to wait long before the rain stopped and the current became somewhat normal. The sky was still dark and the place was not very visible.

"What do you think the time is?" Wang Linxue swam with the current to prevent drowning of her and the male lead in her arms. Perhaps only adrenaline was keeping her from loosening her grip on Xi Jinwei while swimming.

"Around two in the morning" Ping said quietly.

" Girl?"


" Don't drown"

After what felt like hours she finally saw a thick branch closer to the banks of the river up ahead and angled her body to it. Looking out to the banks of the river where there was a lush forest, she quickly swam to the bank with Xi Jinwei with tired grunts and heavy breaths.

Flopping down on the bank,she panted with her eyes closed for a moment feeling sleepy.

Just as she was about to doze off, Ping exclaimed in her head, effectively waking her up " Wake up girl! You've got to get the water out of his lungs now or he'll die."

Hearing that he would die , she slowly but steadily gathered herself up and went to Xi Jinwei who was lying wetly on the bank.

The sky had cleared up so the moon was visible. She stared at his handsome pale face that had a bump on his forehead that had a bit of blood on it.

She put her finger under his nose to check his breathing and it was faint but it was also very slow.

Placing her hands on his chest awkwardly, "What am I supposed to do Ping?"

"Give him um... CPR."

"I don't know how" Wang Linxue panicked. " Apprentice god, don't you know anything?"

Ping chocked on air angrily. ' Was she testing him? She better not!'

" You should know, only my consciousness is here. And basically, I can't interfere with the problems of mortals. Besides, I know some basically information on CPR so come on, let do this."

" Okay okay, what should I do?" She shifted to the side of the boy on the ground and looked at her necklace.

"Cross your palms in front of the boy and place on his chest and pump. Then you do a mouth to mouth then repeat."

Hearing the last sentence she cried," But that would be taking the male lead's first kiss. The female lead is the one who..."

"Are you worried about that right now! You jumped in the river to save him and almost died and you're worried about his first kiss. Are you mad?!" Ping berated angrily, " Think of that later and help the boy."

" Ok, sorry." She crossed her palms and pumped his chest about four times and went in for the mouth to mouth. She pinched Xi Jinwei's nose and brought her lips closer to his.

With her lips near she paused and licked her lips to wet them.

'You're saving his life so this doesn't count Linxue.'

She gave him air from her mouth for a while and repeated the process for several minutes.

Seeing no progress and feeling tired she whined " It's not working Ping. Is he dead?"

"He's not . Keep going girl." he reassured.

For a long time, she kept at it and didn't stop for a moment.

What would happen if the male lead died? Would this would collapse? She didn't want to find out.

Just when she was about to stop due to how tired and sleepy she was, Xi Jinwei spit out water and it hit her face directly.

" Ugh!" She wiped her face in her jacket.

Xi Jinwei started to vomited out water heaving violently as he chocked on his own breathe.

He settled down after a while and laid back on the ground breathing heavily writhing weakly.

"Are you okay?"

Xi Jinwei turned his head to face Wang Linxue and stared quietly at her.

" Where are we?", He croaked weakly on the ground.

She looked around just as lost as he was.

"I don't know where we are. D-Do you remember what happened?" She asked nervously. She didn't want to be accused of anything.

Xi Jinwei sat up weakly and groaned and touched the bump on forehead. Wang Linxue almost cried at how pitiful he looked.

"The ship's lights went off then someone called my name . Then I was hit when I turned to face them and then I blacked out." He groaned when he touched his bump again. " I don't remember anything anymore after that."

" Oh. Someone threw you off the boat after you were hit."

Xi Jinwei asked surprised," You jumped in to save me?"

"Yeah. After all you're my fiance. So I had to come get you."

Well, at least that was one of the reasons.

He put his head down and stared at his hands and mumbled something.

Wang Linxue crawled closer to the male lead's since she didn't quite catch what he said.

" What did you say?" Wang Linxue couldn't see Xi Jinwei well enough so she had to go closer to him.

" I said , Why?."

Wang Linxue grinned widely. " I told you. You're my fiance. I had to come get you ."

Xi Jinwei clenched his fist at her response. He still didn't understand why she changed so much but his heart still beat rapidly because of it. No one had ever risked their life to save him ever since his mother. He didn't know what to feel.

He stared at the girl who had come closer to him who looked just as disheveled as him with her wet fleece jacket and skirt wet just as her and her hair clung to her face and clothes and blushed with his head down.

He saw her get up and scan her surroundings mumbling something like 'Ping' and 'what do I do'. He brushed it off as recently she had become very weird.

She stood there for a while like she had frozen for a moment before moving back to him.

" Come on. Let's get out of here and look around. Maybe we can find some help from someone."

She helped him up and hooked his arms around her shoulder to support him. He turned his face away from her the whole time and Wang Linxue misinterpreted it that he didn't want her touching him.

'He has to bear with it until we find safe ground. They didn't know what animals lurked here so they had to get going. Please bear with it Male Lead sama.'

With that , they entered the forests in hope that they find something or someone that will help them go home as soon as possible.

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