Chapter XXIII

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The class groaned as the Mathematics teacher announced that he would give homework on the first day.
On the first day of a new class year, it was an unspoken rule for no homework.

Well not for this old man. Since he was our new Form Master he could basically do whatever he wanted.

" I thought this was one of the top classes. Quit your whining and get on with the homework. Class Prefect!"

"Sir?" He got up and shifted his glasses.

" Bring the homework first thing tommorow morning on my desk . Is that understood?"

" Yes Sir."

" Who's your assistant?"

" Here!" Wang Linxue raised her hand up.

" You and the Class Prefect should get me the list of the class. I'll need it for assessment."

" Ok Sir!" The two chorused.

The bell rang for break and the class became disorganized and noisy. A classmate of Wang Linxue got up and stood by her table.

"I know what you want to talk about Shen Hui." Wang Linxue started taking a sheet of paper.

" Of course you do. " The girl spoke with her hands to her hips. She was very sassy and proud but they were surprisingly friends?

" Well I don't wanna talk about it." She started to write down the names.

" Fine. Wang Linxue, you do know that your position as Class Belle is going to be taken away , oops...has already been taken away by your ..." She pointed at Ling Zhirou who was flocked around by some class boys and even girls curious to know about the beauty in their class.

' It's a stupid title anyway. Who needs that?' Ping commented.

"Who knows if she steals the Class Beau from you as well." She frowned and looked at Ling Zhirou carefully.

Was this girl taunting her or giving her a disguised word of advice? Wang Linxue opened her mouth to retort when she saw Ling Zhirou get up from her desk and walk in her direction.

'Was she coming to me? I thought she hates me?'

Walking in proud and steady pace, she bypassed her desk and turned to the Xi Jinwei.

He lifted his head when a feminine scent wafted through his nose. He looked around and saw that the class was quiet with everyone's eyes on them.

The class quickly turned to away and did their own thing and it made quite a comic scene.

"Ling Zhirou. What's up?" He looked very happy to see her.

" Jinwei, can you please show me around the school?. I don't know anyone apart from you.'' She smiled and got closer to him placing her hand on his arm familiarly.

Everyone looked on eagerly and looked at Wang Linxue who looked unbothered by the scene beside her.

" Well teacher said the Class Prefect should be the one to do that." Sheng Hui commented from the side.

"Are you trying to disrespect the teacher here? Jinwei, if you show her around today you will no longer be my idol!" She pointed at Xi Jinwei whose face was expressionless.

The class started to comment here and there and the class became rather noisy.

Ling Zhirou sneered for a moment and Shen Hui caught sight of it since she was looking directly at the girl's facials.

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