Chapter XIV

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When Wang Linxue got to the village where there were police officials and health personnel gathered inconspicuously, they immediately took her to a tent were all the other children were gathered and gave her some food and water.

But she didn't have the stomach to eat and complained to the nurse,
"Please, my friend was also down the hill. We fell into the river yesterday and somehow came to be here."

"Calm down, I'll talk to the police about it." The nurse assured. " What is your name dear?"

"Linxue, Wang Linxue. My friend who is missing is called Xi Jinwei."

The nurse nodded and left the tent in haste seeing how anxious the girl was .

"You'll find your friend. " A boy patted her shoulder , giving her a kind smile. She turned and it was the boy she left in charge to lead the rest of the kidnapped children here.

She ate about two bites of the rice and meat before putting the chopsticks and the food down.

"You should eat. Your parents might be worried right now so I think they would want you to eat."

Since Wang Linxue was previously an orphan, her thoughts didn't always drift to her 'parents' like it would for a normal child.

She sighed loudly at how right he was was.

"So, what about you? How did you get caught?" She was really curious as to how the traffickers got all these children.

Tears sprang in his eyes at the question and Wang Linxue got shocked.
"Ehm. Hey, I'm sorry if my question offended you."

Rubbing his eyes roughly on his sleeves, he shook his head and spoke in a teary tone,"No it's not you. mom , she sold me to the traffickers."

What! Why!! This boy...

"My mom and my dad recently divorced and I guess my mom hated my dad for taking custody of me. So she called me from a playground when I was alone and then I thought she had come to visit me but ..."

The tears started to fall more as the boy sobbed. Wang Linxue got up to hug the boy as tightly as she could.

'This boy is very sensible being as sad as he is. Women are so cruel nowadays, ', Ping quietly commented.

'People, Ping. Not just women.' Wang Linxue quipped. Men kidnapped the children ,right ?  So not just women are bad.

"Did you tell the police about this?" She rubbed his back as he continued to hiccup.

"No. I-I just can't b-betray my mom."

This kid! Doesn't he understand that his mother doesn't love him. She betrayed him by selling him.

" You should. If you don't she could do this to someone else."

The boy raised himself from her arms and nodded rubbing his eyes.

The nurse from earlier came in , " Wang Linxue !"

Wang Linxue looked around her before pointing at herself.

The nurse pointed raised her eyebrows," Yes you. The police want to speak to you."

Wang Linxue got up from the floor and waved a goodbye at the boy who waved back before she followed the woman outside.

She looked around  as they were walking and saw so many people here, some police, villagers, reporters, health officials and even parents who came here to look for their children.

A mother and father were hugging a girl tightly in their arms crying in relief making her smile.

When she entered the tent, she was met with a group of people in police uniform. One was dressed a bit different but in the same fashion.

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