Chapter XLII

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Hey guys. Sorry for the looooong absence. University is really not giving me any time at all. But I'll make time and finish this novel🥺🥺. So as compensation, I made this long chapter. I'll update as often as I can. Sorry for any grammatical errors if any. Anyways,


"Wang Linxue!" An angry voice called out to her while she laid on the bed all giddy and blushing.

Startled ,she hopped out of her comfortable bed to meet the angry eyes of her father and Ling Zhirou standing behind him with an innocent smile.

All the colour drained from her face. Nothing good was going to come out of this.

" Dad, what's wrong?"

She became startled when shoved his phone towards her with a video paused. It was the competition earlier today. She played it and everything that went on came on.

She frowned confused. 'Was this supposed to mean something?'

"I-dont get it." She quietly expressed lifting her eyes to her father once more. What was wrong?

He laughed mockingly ," You don't get it? You, the Daughter of the Wang Family lost in this competition. Do you know the disgrace you've brought me. This family's situation is already not good."

Blinded by rage his voice rose steadily " You shouldn't participated if you would have Lost!" He threw the phone to the ground with an angry shout.

The phone scattered to different pieces in her room while Wang Linxue screamed frightened, holding her hands in her head.

Her father had never done anything like before. She could feel some stings on her left ankle but paid no attention to it raising her head hesitantly and her chest heaving in fright.

Saying what he wanted to talk about before coming, he calmed down, pointing a finger at her, " We recieved an invitation to the Xi Family. We are going to your fiancés grandmother's birthday this Sunday. Don't do anything to make me loose face even more. Do your understand?"

" Yes father." She lowered her head so she could not see the expression on her father's face to see the remorse when he saw a cut on her ankle.

He left feeling guilty but Ling Zhirou stood there for a few moments. She used her pale legs to kick away pieces of the phone on the floor and scoffed.

" You know your parents are divorced now right." Ling Zhirou smirked at Wang Linxue who had her head down.

" Well, it was only a matter of time right. That's what you get for your father abusing my mother years ago. Breaking your family apart is happening right under your nose and you can't say or do anything about it. Hmph!"

Wang Linxue sat down on the bed not even realizing Ling Zhirou had left after spouting her mind.

She looked at leg finally noticing the stinging on her ankle and saw a cut that had a bit of blood seeping through it. She quickly went in the bathroom for the first aid kit. Cleaning the cut,she breathed a sigh of relief when she was that it was neither deep nor a large cut. After placing a band aid on it a maid entered her room requesting to come clean up the glass in her room.

She didn't even know why but went into her contacts and saw who she needed to call right away. She couldn't deal with this now.

" Hello, Xue Xue?"

Silence reigned and she didn't know what to say. Right now, she felt as if she was dreaming. As if she had no father in the first place.

" Mom", She said, her fingers trembling with the phone on her ear.
She wasn't feeling sad, quite the opposite.

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