Chapter 38

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Not soon after, nearly all of the Newborns were destroyed. All but one left. A girl named Bree Tanner, she refused to fight any of us. Scared to be in the battle. If I didn't hate Newborns so much, I would have pitied her. But she still showed up to kill Bella. To kill my family. That makes her guilty by association.

I stood before Bree and held her by the throat. "She's innocent, Stiles." Carlisle voiced. I shook my head. "Don't give me that, Carlisle. She can't be trusted." I argued. "We can help her." Esme added. "Stiles, she is not a danger to us." Alice added.

I turned to look at Alice. "I agree with Stiles." Edward announced. Coming forward with Bella. "She's not to be trusted. And besides, look at her, she's glaring at Bella. She thirsts for her blood. She dies." Edward stated.

I furrowed my brows before dropping the newborn and turning find four members of the Volturi.

"The hell are you dumbasses doing here?" I asked looking at Jane and Alec. "Watch. Your. Tone." Felix spat. I scoffed. "No, you watch yours." I snarled appearing before him and lifting him into air by his throat. I caught Demetri by his fist and shoved him to the ground. I flung the both of them across the field before I watched black smoke snake it's way towards me. Engulfing me.

I walked out of the smoke looking at Alec with a disappointed look. "Really? That's it? Oh no, hold on, I got a cough. Smoke inhalation, shit. My bad." I said sarcastically. I began to cough mockingly at the Volturi. I stood straight before sauntering over towards Jane after Alec dropped to the ground unconscious.

"Speak, girl." I snarled. Jane trembled before me. "Aro sent us to find out what has been going on. We got word of an army of newborns. We came to deal with it." She explained, her red eyes looking at me. I squinted my own suspiciously.

I shook my head, "You came to check on Bella. If she wasn't vampire you would kill her. But guess what? You lay one hand on her, I will tear you apart, got it?" I spat.

"What of the newborn?" Jane asked. "Do with her that which you please. Kill her for all I care." I answered walking away.

Felix walked towards Bree with Demetri before a rogue Newborn came out from behind a tree and attached itself to Jacob. Wrapping their arms around his large neck. "JACOB!" Bella shouted.

Jacob yelped trying to get the newborn off.

I appeared behind the newborn before Bree showed up first and grabbed the newborn and tore his head off. Not before Jacob was crushed by the male newborn. Jacob morphed back into a human clutching his right arm screaming in pain.

I looked at Bree with furrowed brows. "I'm not a bad person." She said in a soft voice. I looked away before thinking for a moment.

I looked at Felix walking towards Bree. I got between him. "Move." He growled. "I changed my mind. The girl lives." I shot back. "Too bad. She isn't going to." Felix argued. "God, you are insufferable." I said looking away before smacking his head and sent it flying. I looked at the other Volturi. "Anyone else?" I asked.

"Come, we are leaving." Jane voiced as Demetri looked on in horror at the now flaming body of Felix. I stood before him. "" I snarled. "You've just signed your death warrant, Mikaelson." Demetri threatened. "Please, if I had a nickel for every time I heard that. Well...I'd have enough money to buy the world ten times over." I said before the Volturi left.

"You let me live? Why?" Bree asked. "You remind me of someone. Now shut up, you little twerp. You're living with me. Let's go." I said.

"I'll meet you up there." Alice told me. I nodded my head before I left with Bree.

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