8. Arrangement

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️G I O V A N N I

2 weeks later

Zeniyah was acting different over the past few days.

Bredda yuh just meet har... How yuh know she's acting different, supposed this is how she acts...

No, mi nuh think so, I got a different vibe from her in the latter part if our conservation, she was no longer engaging as much as she did and when she excused herself I could tell something was wrong, but I thought she just needed her personal space.

A personal space yuh call ignoring? My subconscious chimes in disrespectfully. More while mi wish mi coulda kill dah ute yah inna mi head.

I knew for a fact now that she was ignoring me. I only saw her a few times, when she would come and go to school, she now had all her vehicles parked at my parents home...

She have her owna money...

The least expensive cars I saw out of all of them were the, axio, crown and mark x, the others were from luxurious brands...

I also owned all the cars she had, among others, but it was impressive seeing a woman be this successful.

Remember her father left a lot of things in her name...

I thought that the vehicles were her father's which were handed down to her when he died, being that Solomon told me that her father was a very wealthy man...

But it turned out that she only kept one car that her father had and it was Porsche 911 turbo S 2020, the others, she sold and deposited the money in a savings account and had not touched that money ever since she put it in...


She worked in a managerial position at a social work agency and made her money, buying her cars, for investments to rent them, for additional income, using this income to buy her personal cars...

Smart and Visionary!

For someone whose 20, to achieve so much is rare.

Over the past few days, Tedo has been drilling in my head, that I need to let Zeniyah and I look legit... Telling me I need to buy a ring. I would also have to let it seem like love at first sight bullshit.

Even though it is unbelievable when concerning me, because most people around me know I'm not the settle down type, the phase passed years ago...

But I had to let it come across as an legit engagement.

In order for me to keep up my image I had to do it, and it didn't help that Solomon totally agreed with Tedo's proposal...

People who believe this shit dis as bad but people love a happy love story so dem will gobble it dung like any animal deprived of water...

People are so predictable at times.

Even though the engagement is fake, Zeniyah deserved to wear something precious and expensive, so I did just that.

It nay mek mi pockets hurt as women would say, neither did I have to dig deep in my pocket a Jamaican phrase used to describe bruk people...

But I spent decent amount of money, it was chump change in my eyes but in they eyes of others, it would be a lot...

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